Chapter Forty Four: She Has That Thing About Her

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CHAPTER 44: She Has That Thing About Her.

"When you stop fighting, you stop living. We all need that thing that's worth fighting for. Maybe it's a certain someone, or a special place, maybe just an idea. So find your fight and fight like hell, 'til your battle is won.
-One Tree Hill.

The three hour drive turned surprisingly not boring. Will was fed up of my and Luke's back and forth bickering, especially of his horrible singing. I think he almost cried when I joined him. When he passed a comment about how he'd rather walk, Luke had pulled the brakes and stopped the car on the corner of a barren road and asked him to get out. Will had gawked and stuttered and for a moment I actually believed him by how serious his face looked, before he snickered stating he was just messing with him cause he was bored.

Will had fumes coming out of his ears and he cursed him out almost the entire ride until he fell asleep. Again. By this time even I was yawning since we all had woken up early. The windows were rolled down, the windy breeze wafting in and out freely, the music now turned down for Will. Luke had his one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the window. The dark sunglasses he wore on his dark t-shirt made him look so dark and mysterious, my toes actually curled.

“You're staring.” I can hear the smile in his voice, when I hastily turn my head to look out of the window.

“Well now I'm not.” I say smiling and when he chuckles, tiny butterflies ruffle around in the pit of my stomach.

“Are we there yet?”

“We're close.”

I fold my legs and tuck them under me, before turning to face him.

“Do you have a book lying here somewhere?” I ask recalling the number of books I saw in his room.

“There might be one in the dashboard. Why?” he opens the compartment and fishes a book out after some rummaging. A smile spreads on my face when I realise the blue cover is ‘The Fault In Our Stars.’ Happy that he had one of my favourite books, I grin and snatch it from him but he dodges and holds it up, sparing me glances between his driving.

“What's the magic word?” I roll my eyes but mask it with puppy eyes as I murmur innocently,


He groans and drops the book in my lap. “Don't give me that look.” he warns.

“You asked for it.” I cheekily smile opening to the page where Augustus tells her he loves her. No, he's ‘in love’ with her. I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading that part.

“Did you cry?” I ask him earning a confused glance.

“When you read this book, did you cry?” I ask again and he thoughtfully looks at me.

“Why would I tell you that? You'd probably use that against me.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “No seriously I won't. I don't think there's anything wrong in admitting that you cried over a book. To be honest I think it's pretty hot.”

“You're weird.” he gives me a crooked half smile. “But to answer your question,” he coughs embarrassed “I did. A little. Not when he died, but at their eulogies.”

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