Chapter Sixty: You And Me Against The World

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CHAPTER 60: You And Me Against The World.

"You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe."
-Taylor Swift

When I opened my eyes the sunlight poured in directly from the open windows, someone had already drew the curtains back. I stretch with a sleepy yawn and turn my head to see Luke but he's not there. I frown and touch the empty space beside me, it's cold so that means he's been up way before me. I grumble and trudge downstairs to find him and when I do he's laughing with mum. I smile and watch them talk animatedly, he has his back to me as he offers a cup of coffee to mum.

"Ellen." mum says surprised "Good morning honey." She's more surprised that I'm up early than to find my boyfriend in her kitchen handing her coffee. I tremble with giddiness at the thought. He's my boyfriend, I internally squeal.

Hearing my name his head whips to see me, offering me his secret smile. I say secret because I'm the only one privileged enough to see it. I smile back with my own secret smile. My eyes trail down his tall lean body with neat appreciation and obviously he doesn't miss this because an arrogant smirk pulls his lips up.

"You've got drool on your face."

Gasping my fingers touch the side of my lips but when I don't find anything I give him a dry laugh.

"Haha very funny."

He chuckles and shakes his head making his way to me. "Works every time." he presses his lips to my forehead. Mum smiles knowingly and goes to wake Emma and Will. I fist his t-shirt and look up into his hazel eyes.

"You said you'd be there when I wake up." I pout. He lowers his head to kiss it.

"I'm here aren't I?" he touches his cheek to mine and lovingly rubs it. His stubble grazes my skin causing a shiver to run down my spine, all thoughts fading, focusing on only his touch. Just when I'm about to kiss him Emma barges in and jumps on his back.

"Lukey Lukey Lukey!" she chants trying to climb on his back. He chuckles and picks her up in his arms perching her on his shoulders. I laugh and join mum to cook breakfast. Slowly everyone fill in the empty seats, Marie is the last one to join. I love how frequent family dinners and breakfasts have become with them. They're now like our extended family that live just next door.

Luke sits next to me and openly kisses the side of my head in front of everyone. I blush profusely and kick his leg but he simply shrugs.

"Luke?" It's Vince who says his name.


"Is Ella your girlfriend now?" Emma absolutely hates when he calls me that because it's her nickname for me but he refuses to stop. He literally does everything she likes to do. It's so cute, apparently not for her because she huffs and throws a piece of bread at his head.

Luke eyes them amused and a little surprised. "Yes. Yes she is." he looks at me smiling. Marie's squeal is loud and clear making him groan and shake his head at his mother's antics. Will winks at me slyly. I avoid their eyes.

"Mum said that when I'm old enough like you I can ask Emma to be my girlfriend but until then I can only be her best friend."

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