Chapter Thirty Nine: Sisters Are Always Right

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CHAPTER 39: Sisters Are Always Right.

"Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.
"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway."
-The Fault In Our Stars.

The best way to get over someone ignoring you, is to ignore them back. I mean there are a million more people to chatter with and who will willingly comply. Cause let's be honest, people love to talk! Like my annoying Aunt, can't keep her lips shut, she can talk about anything and everything. Especially about herself. Self-love she calls it. Give her some tea and a person and you'll be amazed by how she can say the same thing over and over again, in a much more creative way.

So what's wrong with one person ignoring you eh? Surely you can live without them right? If your answer is yes, surely you haven't met Lucas Alexander James. Talking to him feels natural and comforting. He sometimes might not be the best conversationalist, but I dare say he's the most attentive listener.

Everyone can hear but not everyone can listen. It's a choice which he always chooses.

So instead of ignoring him back, which I think is much more convenient, I talk his ears off. Cause Grans always said 'Don't let people ever go without a fight, especially those who make you smile.'

And he did. Make me smile. Always.

I talk to him on the way back home from the park about stupid things really. Like the weather, how different Canada is, about the new curtains mum bought, how oranges, tangerine and sweet lime confuse me. I tell him how annoying jellies are and how they make me shudder. When I see the faint outlines of our house I internally pout.

I couldn't get a word out of him.

I look at him and plaster a convincing smile.

“Nice talking to you dude.” I punch his shoulder.

Dude? Are you serious Eleanor?

Why am I like this?

I sigh, mentally scolding myself but I can swear on my life, I see a tiny smile lifting his lips up.

And that alone makes all the chatter worth it.


“So what's up with you and our neighbour?”

I shoot my brother a flat look.

“Our neighbour seriously?”

“Dude and mum's curtain choices? Seriously?” he mocks me and I smack him with a pillow.

“You were eavesdropping? You little shit!” I pull his hair and he yelps.

“Hey! Not my hair! And you were pretty loud, little miss Canadian.” he laughs when warmth creeps from my neck to my cheeks. Great, he heard literally everything.

Brothers are so annoying! Little monsters.

“Shut up.” I mutter. Today we were having our Bro&Sis movie night. I simply call it Sibling movie marathon where we catch up with each other more than watching the movie. Emma was already curled on the couch so it was only us now. The sounds coming from the TV were a mere comforting hum in the background.

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