Chapter Fifty Six: I'm The Tinker Bell To Your Peter Pan

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CHAPTER 56: I'm The Tinker Bell To Your Peter Pan.

"Don't look in the mirror look into my eyes
When you see your reflection you'll see what I like."
-Martin Garrix

I was lying face down on his bed like a star fish while he furiously worked on his English essay. I had plucked a book from the vast options he had and tried to keep myself entertained, occasionally tickling his foot just to tease him into a frightful jump.

I lift my head up and stare at him curiously when he releases a loud groan, flipping the laptop shut.

“Know what? I'm gonna take a shower, clear my head and come back to work on this hell essay again.” he mumbles to himself and slides off the bed after kissing the side of my head. I watch him grinning as he drags himself to the bathroom with fresh clothes hanging from his shoulder knowing he isn't gonna finish it for another day or two. He's so cute.

I dangle my feet in the air and laugh when I scroll through some of the group messages between Charlie and Mason arguing. They argue back and forth until Kelly butts in, Roxy following a second later. They carry their own conversation ignoring the boys and decide to meet in the evening at some ice cream parlor Morgan suggests.

me: i'm in😩

After that everyone sends their affirmations, I lock my phone when Luke enters but it still continues to buzz.

“Who's that?” he mumbles while furiously drying his wet hair. I stare at him in fascination until I realise he asked a question.

“Every one wants to meet today for some ice cream.” I continue staring at him until he turns and throws his wet towel at me.

“Quit staring!” he laughs.

“Ew!” I throw it at his face but he catches it laughing. He goes to kitchen and comes back with a few bags of chips and M&Ms. We stay in bed and watch a movie but I space out. I start smiling when I recall yesterday, it was so perfect, every word, every kiss, just him in general. I keep thinking about his Dad and how hard it must have been for him. I don't realize I'm frowning until he pauses the movie and asks me what's wrong.

“I um..” I hesitate but then I realise I need to tell him this.

I get up and kneel between his legs, smile when his arms immediately wrap themselves around my waist. I cup his face and then start seriously, holding complete eye contact so he feels everything I want to say.

“Thank you for sharing everything with me Lucas, you have no idea how much it meant to me. You gave me a piece of your heart and I will always treasure it. I'm so proud of you, of the person you are today even after going through so much. You love your mum so much, your brothers even more so and they're so lucky to have you, God I'm so lucky to have you. I've been such an ass to you, I've hurted you so much but still you love me and it's the best thing ever. I'm so blessed to have you Luke.”

I take a deep breath when I'm done and patiently wait for him to say something. He looks at me with awe and so lovingly my heart hurts. He blinks his eyes rapidly and laughs lightly.

“Oh God why the hell am I always crying around you these days?”

“As if I care. To be honest it makes me feel so good that you're comfortable enough to be vulnerable around me and show your true emotions. I never want to see anything but you, your true self.”

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