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This is my last time being able to be alone. Tomorrow I start my first day of senior year and I won't be able to hang out at the grass field by house anymore. At least not alone anyway. My teammates and friends usually hang out here after school every day. It's nice and relaxing. We mess around and practice a bit. But I do enjoy being alone, at least that's what I tell myself.

"One more kick then I'll head home" I tell myself as I practice my PK's.

I set the ball back down and take three steps back and two steps to the left. Similar to how Alex Morgan takes her PK's. I inhale and exhale right before I kick the ball. I see it soar to the left upper 90. I get the ball out of the net and walk over to where my bag is. I get my phone out and check the time. 7:30. My dad is going to kill me.

I put my bag over my shoulder and race home. It's a good thing I'm fast. When I reach the front door I'm scared to go in. The last time I was late coming home I got a wine glass thrown to my head and black eye. Something tells me that this time, it's gonna be worse. As I open the door it's to quiet. The tv isn't even on. I carefully walk upstairs and to my room. When I walk in I freeze. I see my dad standing there with a look I've never seen before. A whiskey bottle in his hands.

"Where the fuck have you been" he screams at me. I'm to scared to answer. "Answer me you worthless piece of shit. I guess I have to show you what happens when you're late."

He strides over to me and starts to unbuckle his belt. He turns me around and pushes me up against the wall. I didn't expect him to do what he did next. He hit me in the back with the belt buckle. I yelp in pain and fell to the ground. I know not to scream. It'll be 10 times worse. I guess I'm grateful that it wasn't what I originally thought he was going to do though. He hit me 15 times then kicked me in the ribs once and marched down the stairs to drink more.

He's been like this since he lost his siblings 2 years ago in a car crash. Both of his brothers died on impact and his sister died hours later in the hospital. Everyone was heartbroken. My dad shut himself off completely. Never once did I see him cry. A week after their funerals he started drinking. Then came the abuse. My mom is a traveling nurse and takes advantage of being able to leave for long periods of time. She must not care about me anymore since she always leaves me here. She taught me how to treat wounds so that's a plus.

I pull myself off the ground and walk to the bathroom to shower. I turn the faucet on and let it run a little bit before I step in. I take my clothes off and already feel the bruise starting to form on my ribs. I turn around and see the marks from the belt. Good thing preseason doesn't start for another month. Right before I step into the shower I get something from underneath the sink. My bestfriend. My blade.
As I step underneath the running water I feel my back start to sting. Tears are flowing from eyes and I can't stop them. I sit down on the shower floor and sit in a fetal position. I look at my arms and see the many scars from before. I grab the blade and place it against my wrist slowly dragging it along. I do that 3 more times and clean the rest of body up.

I get out of the shower and wrap myself up in my towel. I walk to room and get dressed. I grab my phone and check instagram. I see that the national team has posted something. Just a reminder that they will be here next month. Seeing that made me smile. My best friend/teammate, Tyler was able to get us tickets. Her mom actually got them for us as a birthday present for Tyler. I can't wait I'm so excited. The seats are right behind where the players sit and everything. I check the time and realise that I should probably go to sleep since tomorrow is the first day of school.

"Goodnight" I say to no one in particular

Hey guys this is my first story I hope you like it. Let me know

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