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I'm so excited that we're finally in Orlando. This means that I'll be seeing Tyler in a few hours actually. After training, Aspen, Ash and I are going to pick her and her family up at the airport.

I'm sitting on the bench right now hanging out with Greyson. Aspen decided she wanted to join in on the practice. Even though she is actually really good at soccer and practices with the team a lot, she doesn't want to play it professionally. She chooses to hang out on the sidelines away from the fame.

"Can we kick a ball around pwease? I'm bored" Greyson asks standing up.

I stand up too and walk over to Aspens bag. She has a smaller sized soccer ball for Greyson. He is so adorable. He says he wants to be just like his aunts. He wants to play soccer and basketball. Aspen has a few WNBA friends. She met them at the last olympics.

I kick the ball to Greyson and he stops it pretty well. Maybe he'll find a way to do both or just choose between the two. He kicks the ball back to me as hard as he could. For a three year old he can definitely kick pretty well. I wonder how good at basketball he is. He says he's good. But all kids exaggerate.

We continue kicking the ball around for a while until he gets tired and wants to sit down. I get my phone and check the time. Practice should be ending in about 10 minuets. Then we're off to the hotel so the girls can shower, then we pick Tyler up from the airport. I couldn't be more excited to see my best friend.

I looked up from my phone and Aspen was walking over to me. She sat down next to me and looked over at me. "You ready to see Tyler?" She asked. All I could do is nod and smile really big.

I looked over to the rest of the girls and Ash was messing with Greyson. She threw him over her shoulder and was spinning around in circles. I looked a Jane and she was walking over to us. Aspen leaned over and whispered in my ear "she really likes you. Don't let seeing Tyler hurt her" then she walked away towards Megan. What does she mean 'hurt her'. Does Jane actually like me.

"Hey you ready to head to the hotel. Aspen is showering in our room and Ash is going to shower in her room so can I shower in yours and Megan's room please?" She asks with a slight pout and puppy dog eyes. How can I say no to her.

"Only if you carry me to the bus right now." I say back with a slight smirk.

She smirks back and before I can even get up to stand she picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around her neck to make sure she doesn't drop me. Kelley walks over to us and picks up Jane's bag since Jane can't actually carry it if she's carrying me.

"Well look at Janice showing off how strong she is. You know any one of us could probably carry her" Kelley says sarcastically messing around.

"Oh yeah. Even Kling?" Jane shoots back.

"Yeah she probably could. Kling is actually stronger that you think." Kelley says gesturing over to Kling.

Kling is carrying hers and Greyson's bag and has Greyson on her shoulders. "See. Strong tiny person she is"

We reach the bus and Jane sets me down so that I can walk on. She follows behind and sits down right next to me. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Aspen: remember what I said

I look to the back of the bus and I see Aspen looking at me. I give her a soft smile and she returns it. She really cares about these girls and I know she'll do anything for them. I like Jane a lot. But I used to have a crush a Tyler. I don't think I could ever date her though. I think I'm better off with Jane. I just have to wait for her to make the first move.

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