Problems with Canada

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I'm Currently heartbroken from the UCLA loss. Don't worry I'm only crying a little. I just hope Teagan is doing okay. Along with the others too of course.

We've been in Jersey for five days and the game is tomorrow. Today should be a pretty light day of training. Field training from 10-11. Then a scrimmage from 11:15-12:15. A 30 Minute Break in between and finishing off with an hour of weight training.

Breakfast is interesting. Since it's an easy day and we should be finished in time for a late lunch the girls are planning for lunch. Everyone is seriously talking about food right now. The stereotype is real. Soccer girls never stop being hungry. No matter what level of  soccer you play at.

The bus ride to the stadium was very enjoyable. Allie had a speaker so she was playing music pretty loud. A few of the girls would dance in the isle and have fun. We were all joking around laughing and having a fun time.

"Everyone SHUT UP!" Aspen screamed holding her phone to her ear. "Are You fucking kidding me" she says going back to her phone conversation. "Look. I don't care about what they did in the locker room. It's normal for us to prank each other. My question is. How did they pull it off? We're in Jersey. An American stadium. My Uncle's stadium. Best security ever. It isn't game day yet. Who the fuck let them in?" Aspen seems kinda pissed. "Let me repeat myself. I don't fucking care about what they did. I know that no one is able to enter the stadium in the middle of the night. So who were the dumb asses that were on shift?... What do you mean you don't know!?... look we're on our way over there right now. So I'm going to watch the security tapes. And fire everyone that was on duty last night. If The Canadians can get in with no problem. Then so can criminals." She said finally and hung up.

"Okay so what happened?" Carli asked

"Some of the Canadians. Broke into the stadium and locker rooms and I guess they completely trashed our locker room." Aspen said annoyed.

"That's normal. We always prank each other" Becky mentioned.

"I know. I'm not mad that they trashed the locker room. I'm mad at the security that was working in the middle of the night and didn't notice a break in. I could care less about what they did. Because Sinc is going to hate me tomorrow." Aspen said with a smug look as she probably thought about a possible prank on the Canadians.

When we arrived at the stadium, Aspen walked off with Greyson in her arms and we went to the locker rooms. Entering the locker room was a nightmare. There were empty beer cans all over the floor. It smelled like beer everywhere. Smashed apple pies and Twinkies in the lockers. Powdered sugar on the benches and chairs. Buffalo wings on the tables. It looked and smelled repulsive.

Aspen came in shortly and the room got quiet. Then she just started laughing and clapping her hands.

"I'm proud of them. Really I am. I'm very impressed that they would think of this. They are very creative. And Sinc is going to regret doing this." Aspen says.

"How do you know Sinc helped with this?" Lindsey asked.

"Because her and KK are trying to teach the younger girls how to prank us. Also because they're on the field right now."

Most of us went to the field to talk to Canada while the others stayed to take videos of what Canada did to us. We got to the field and I immediately noticed Christine Sinclair, Diana Matheson, Rebecca Quinn, Kailen Sheridan, Jessie Flemming, and Karina Leblanc, however there was one person I didn't recognise.

Aspen set Greyson down and he immediately ran towards them. "Greyson stop! Don't run towards the enemy"

"Auntie Sinc isn't the enemy. She's nice" Greyson shouted holding on to Christine's leg and glaring at his mother.

Aspen took a few steps towards them. "Look Jordyn. If these girls Kidnapped you. And are forcing you to be here. And forced you against your will to sneak out last night. Then blink twice... Nobody look at her." I guess Jordyn just shook her head.

"We're not forcing her to be here okay. We asked her, Quinny and Jessie if they wanted to learn how to prank the USA girls. They said yes. So we're continuing the tradition." Sinclair stated.

"Fine whatever." Aspen says then turns to Karina. "Are you actually recording us right now? Because if you are. Can you please leave Greyson out of it."

"Yeah I know. I was recording then I saw Greyson. Don't worry." Karina said.

Christine picked up Greyson and held him. "Can I steal him for the day?"

"If he wants to go then I don't care. Text me when you need me to pick him up." Aspen said walking towards the two of them.

All that's going through my head right now is that Christine Sinclair and Karina Leblanc are actually standing in front of me right now. And that Aspen pretending to be annoyed and angry at them is actually super cute. But Jordyn seems so innocent and adorable. I wonder how old she is.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Ash waving her hand in my face. "I'm sorry what?"

"They asked if you wanted to go with them. They were going to explore and take Greyson to an arcade then a bowling alley." Ash said.

I looked at her and shook my head real fast. My eyes started watering. She pulled me into a hug and walked me to the tunnel with Jane following. I can't leave. I need at least one of them with me at all times. Just thinking about being out of their sight was enough to give me a slight panic attack.

"Hey you're okay. We're here. We're not going anywhere and neither are you." Jane said holding me against her chest.

We hung out in the tunnel for a little longer. The Canadians left and almost everyone has finished changing into their training gear. Dawn and the AT's have most of the field set up.

The rest of the day should be pretty relaxing. And I'm looking forward to that.

Here's the next chapter everyone. I hope you all like it. Let me know what you think.

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