Going To Orlando

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Hi everyone sorry it's been a while. I hope you like this chapter. Let me know if you do. Enjoy

Heading to the airport is very interesting. After John and Jill realised how serious the pranks were between both teams, they decided that both teams are going to be on the same flight together. I guess the coaches for some reason want them to "resolve the problems" that they have with each other. But they apparently aren't aware that everyone actually gets along really well off the pitch. I personally think that they're just tired of the pranks altogether.

Right now I'm on the bus sitting next to Jane. I have my head resting on her shoulder and my hand intertwined with hers. We've grown a lot closer to each other in the past few days. With the constant panic attacks I've been getting, she's always there. She rarely ever leaves my side. Even when Ash and the others are around. She's so protective over me. I kinda like it. Tyler was super protective of me too but it's different with Jane.

"Alright everyone. We're here. Now the seating on this flight is two people next to each other. So each of you will be sitting next to someone from Canada. Please don't complain. Now does anyone have any questions" Jill informs everyone.

Immediately Aspen raises her hand. "I don't have a question but this is me complaining. I hate Canada. They all smell like syrup." Everyone started laughing after she said that. "All they talk about is being nice. They pronounce Sorry as SOREY. Don't even get me started on Cel..."

"Okay that's it! You can walk to Orlando! I'm sick of your attitude and you're smart ass remarks all the time." Everyone went quiet as Jill yelled at Aspen.

"Okay good to know that you're sick of me. But last time I checked we were taking my private plane. Not even my jet but my fucking plane. And also the girls were just laughing at my smart ass remarks and jokes. So they're not sick of me. And their opinions are the only opinions that matter to me. Plus I'm pretty sure that everyone and I mean everyone here, not just the players, are sick and fucking tired of your nonexistent coaching skills. You don't know how to make a roster. And also. I can ruin your life." She snapped her fingers. " like that. So next time you think about standing up to me. You better fucking remember who I am." Aspen pushed past her and got off the bus and shouted behind her. "You're playing with fire here Jill"

Everyone grabbed their stuff and walked out following Aspen, leaving Jill behind a bit. I walked with Jane and linked arms with her. I had my backpack on and I was wheeling my suitcase. The staff got the rest of the things and followed us to plane. Apparently we're taking Aspen's plane now. I wish I knew about this before.

The Canadians were already by the plane loading it up, but nobody was seated inside. So while the staff are loading the plane the players are just chilling and joking around. After John and Dawn did a head count of everyone; Aspen walked over to speak to John. Jill was slowly making her way towards us with her head slightly lowered.

"Ladies can I get your attention please!" John shouted. "Aspen, Dawn and I decided that we will let you guys sit wherever you want. But for the next game. The pranks have to be toned down a bit. Don't make a mess in the locker rooms unless you plan to clean it up. Is that understood." Everyone either nodded or shouted a yes back. "Alright cool. Now we have a three hour flight to Orlando. Let's get seated and head out."

The first hour was spent relaxing but right now it's really intense. We split the plane in half. On one side was Canada and on the other side was us. Right now we're playing heads up. We've played three rounds already and the Canadians won twice. We were going to do best two out of three but everyone wanted to continue playing.

"Okay that's it!" Diana Matheson shouted. "It's obvious that we won. Let's just stop this and play something else."

"Let's do karaoke." Megan suggested.

Everyone agreed. Ashlyn and Aspen went up right away. They were whispering to each other while the flight attendant set up the karaoke thing. They did a quick hand shake and grabbed a microphone each. Aspen started singing a song that I hadn't heard before.
(Song above)

It's like I'm on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
Let you down
All these voices in my head get loud
I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down
Le-le-let you down

The song took a complete turn as soon as Ashlyn started rapping the first verse. When the chorus was back Aspen started singing it again. But this time it was a little different. She looked directly at Kelley during this part. I leaned over to Jane and asked her what the name of this song is, she said it's Let You Down by NF. I really like it.

After Aspen and Ash our on an amazing performance Diana Matheson dragged Christine up and they ended up singing Celine Dion. So the Canadians actually are obsessed with her. I'm not actually surprised.

After they nailed that performance Tobin, Allie, Lindsey,and Sonnett went up to sing. I think everyone knew what they were about to sing. Especially since Aspen went up an started the song for them, grabbing a mic in the process. The song 'hey mickey' started playing. They sang the correct lyrics except they say Sincy instead of Mickey everyone on the plane started singing along except for Sinc and most of the staff.

So that's how the rest of the plane ride went. Everyone sangam danced and had a good time. Even Dawn went up there. It was probably the best plane ride I've ever been on.

Hi readers. I hope you liked this chapter. It wasn't the best I know. I've been hella busy with Christmas and family. Comment and vote

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