Usual Game Day

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"Wake up. It's game day Bitch!" Pinoe and I scream at the top of our lungs, while jumping on the bed that Tyler and I slept on last night. Aka in the room that Pinoe and I are sharing

"I regret giving you a key card to my room" she mumbled from under the blankets.

"What are you talking about. This is my room. You're the one that didn't want to room with your brother or parents." I say matter of factly.

She didn't say anything after that. She just got up and got ready for breakfast. When she was in the bathroom there was a knock on the door. Megan opened it and in walked Jane. I smiled as she came over to my bed and laid down pulling me with her. "Good Morning" she mumbled; snuggling herself in my pillows. I chuckled at her tiredness.

Once Tyler was done getting ready which took 20 minuets we met her family at the elevators. The team is eating breakfast here while Tyler's family, Aspen and I are going out to a restaurant to eat. Jill doesn't want the players to be distracted at all. Aspen was going to stay at the hotel but I still feel unprotected and I get anxiety when Jane, Ash, Megan, Tobin, Kelley, or Aspen aren't around.

I hug Jane and Megan bye real quick as they head into the breakfast room. Aspen is talking to the trainers for updates real quick since she won't have time later. Tyler and I are sitting on one of the couches in the lobby waiting for Aspen come out. She comes out 10 minuets later and we head to breakfast.

The restaurant is near the beach and we get a table on the deck. Today is a beautiful day for soccer. Let's just hope that the US will come out on top. Aspen and Tyler's dad seem to be getting along great.

"So Aspen. Remind me again. How old are you?"

"I'm only nineteen sir."

"Wow. I mean you do look young. But your maturity is way beyond your years. I never thought that I'd be able to have such an intelligent conversation with a teenager. Not to offend you or anything, but I thought you were going to be an arrogant, high class, rich spoiled brat that thinks they can do anything because they have money."

I look at Aspen and she has a smile on her face. She loves when people think they know her but don't. "Well, thank you for the compliment. I will admit that I do however think that I can get away with certain things. Like tickets to games, concerts,
But that's not because I have money, that's because I know people. I grew up with the national team. And I don't rub my money into people's faces unless it's another rich family that thinks they're all that. So I can easily shut them up though. But I appreciate the honesty. And that's exactly what most people think of me."

Well that conversation took a slight turn. Tyler and I tuned out of that conversation. Right as I was about to say something the waiter came and took our orders. I don't think Aspen likes the waiter though. She was giving him the cold shoulder since we got here.

I turn to my right and stare out at the ocean. It's so peaceful watching the small waves and the surfers just hanging out in the water. I wish I could go surfing here. Maybe Ash will take me. I guess I was lost in thought because Tyler had to nudge me.

"Why haven't we been able to hang out one on one. Whenever I want to hang out with just you. Someone has to come with us. Don't get me wrong. I love the girls. They are my idols. But... I miss my best friend." Tyler asks on the verge of tears at the end.

I look down and play with my hands in my lap for a few seconds before looking back up. How am I supposed to tell her about what happened in Washington. I look at Aspen for help but she just gives me a sad smile. I look back at Tyler.

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