You Promised

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Well here's the next chapter. I hope everyone likes it. Let me know if you want me to switch up P.O.V. I'll add some players or even Aspen's P.O.V if you want.

"What do you mean your leaving again? You said you were gonna stay this time! You promised you weren't leaving. I hate you!" I yelled at my mom and slammed my door.

This is the news i get when I get home from school. I slid down the wall and just cried. I pulled my knees up to my chest and let everything out. I've been lied to again. I thought she changed and wanted to be a part of my life again. I can't go back to my dad. Not with what happened last time. Not again.

I don't know how long I've been here crying. I finally get up and get my phone from my bed. I have fifteen text messages and 5 missed calls from Tyler. Ash even tried texting me twice and calling me once. Kelley texted and called me once. Aspen called me twice and texted me three times. I should probably answer all of them but I can't bring myself to do it.

It's already 9 and the sun has already set. I don't want to be here right now. I grab my soccer bag and head to the fields. The sun is already starting to set. I walk along on the side walk quietly, watching the cars drive by. Seeing the happy families as I pass by their houses.

I get to the fields and put my cleats on. I grab my soccer ball and start juggling. This is a nice distraction. I decide to work on my upper 90 shots a little. I get 5/10 perfect. After a while I just sit and lean on a tree.

The conversation as soon as I got home from school is invading my thoughts. I can't believe she's gonna leave again. I can't live alone in that house. My dad knows where we live and he can't find out that my mom is leaving. Who knows what will happen. I can't do this anymore. I'm sick and tired of being lied to and abused.

I find a tree to sit under and just cry again. I should have known that my happiness wasn't going to last. The girls leave Saturday, which is tomorrow, at 3pm. Then I won't see them again for a very long time. Aspen lives around here but she's very busy and travels all the time.

A half an hour passed of me just sitting here leaning on the tree thinking. I suddenly hear people giggling and talking. They're not that far from me. Hopefully they don't notice me. My heart is beating really fast right now.

I hear one of them speak. "Hey. I found her. She's at the park... I don't know... I'm with Steph right now. We decided to hang out at the park after our date. OW!! Steph just slapped me for saying we went on a date. Well anyways I'm gonna go talk to her. See ya later." I'm assuming she was in the phone.

I think I know who it is and I'm pretty sure she was talking about me. I hear foot steps getting closer and feel two people sit next to me on both sides. I look to my left and see Steph Catley. She gave me a soft smile that I tried to return. Then I look to my right and see Aspen. She looked at me with a sad and worried expression.

I was so not in the mood to talk. I think they both noticed that because the three of us sat in silence leaning on the tree for another hour. I ended up leaning my head on Aspen's shoulder. I think I fell asleep because when I woke up I was in a different bed.

Where am I? This room is huge. The bed I'm now sitting on has to be a King sized bed. There is a full length mirror on the other side of the room. And dressers on both sides of the bed. There's a huge flat screen tv right across from the bed mounted on the wall. Who's house am I in. I'm broken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

Aspen walked in with a tray of food. There was a waffle, 2 slices of bacon, 2 slices of sausage, syrup, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and a glass of orange juice.

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