College Trip

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Hi readers. I'm so very sorry that it took me this long to update. Football practice and games have been kicking my ass. Along with the AP classes that I'm taking.

"Peyton. Are you ready?" Ali asked while putting her jacket on.

"Yeah I'm good. Ash and I threw the bags in the car last night."

Right now the three of us are getting ready to head back out to California. I got a call last week from Amanda Cromwell the women's soccer coach at UCLA inviting me to attend a camp. I'll get to sleep in the dorms and eat at the cafeteria there and train with the actual team. I'm excited and insanely nervous. I'll be there for 5 days and this should be fun. Tyler will be there and thankfully we'll be able to room together.

"Alright then. Let's go. Aspen is at the airport right now getting everything ready. I think she might be the one flying the plane though." Ash says walking out of the kitchen.

The three of us head outside and into the car. The car ride was kind of silent. The only noise being the music flowing from the speakers. My knee is bouncing non stop all the way there.

When we get there I'm the last one out of the car. Ash has to come around to my side and open the door for me to get out. We walk through the airport and once we reach the gate I see some of the Pride Players standing in front of it. Alanna, Emily, Alex, Christine and even Syd, Dom, and Cassius are here, ready to see me off.

"Peyton! It's about time you show up." A familiar voice from beside me shouts.

I turn around and see Allison standing with a suitcase and a duffle bag. Is she really coming too. If so then I'm happy. She walks up to me and throws her duffle bag at Ash before giving me a hug.

"Are you heading out to California with us?" I ask as we pull away.

"Uh yeah. Amanda called me. I kinda maybe possibly already committed to UCLA while you were at camp with the youth team."

All of us kind of hang out and talk until the flight is called. Ash, Ali, Allison and I head out through the terminal and to the plane. I sit with Ash and Ali and Allison sat together. Ash held my hand during take off since flying still makes me a little nervous. It's nice that Ash knows a lot about me because she always knows to make me feel safe and protected. I lean my head on her shoulder and sleep slowly starts to take over.

The sound of the pilot over the com wakes me up. Saying that we landed at LAX. Ash stands up and gets both of our bags from the overhead compartment. Ali and Allison get off before us and wait for us at the stairs. The four of us walk in tot he airport together and head straight to baggage claim.
Once we got our bags we we headed through the airport to rent a car and head to UCLA.

We get outside and see a woman dressed as a chauffeur with a sign reading "future UCLA players only" in big writing then "go away Ash" in smaller writing. As we get closer I notice that it's Aspen. Right away I run to her.

"I've missed ya too kid. Even though I was only gone for two weeks." She says hugging me.

"You have no idea how relieved I am that you're here." I whispered.

"Well. Let's go every one. We have a camp to check into. And then a hotel." Aspen said to everyone.

The five of us piled into Aspen's black Escalade. It was a comfortable fit with room for 2 or even 3 more people. Allison and Ali sat in the middle while Ash and I sat in the back.

Driving through LA was beautiful. Especially once we got to Westwood. We drove past the campus apartments, frat, and sorority houses. Aspen pulled up to a big building with building behind it. We walked inside and it looked just like a hotel setting.

"This is De Neve Plaza." Aspen said leading us up to the front desk. "Hey Josh. Peyton and Allison are here. You know. The soccer players from Orlando."

The man scrolled through the computer a bit before speaking. "Ah yes. Of course. They're gonna be rooming together in Evergreen. 3rd floor room 312. Are you gonna need a room too. For the others." He motioned towards Ash and Ali.

"No. They're good. They have hotel rooms. Thanks for the keys." Aspen said walking towards. "Alright. Let's get the bags from the car and I'll show you to the dorms. After I'll show you around campus." Aspen checked her watch. "We have 2 hours until you guys meet up with coach and the rest of the campers. So let's go"

We walked to the car and got our bags. The campus is beautiful so far. We walked right into Evergreen and are met with stairs on the right and elevators on the left. "Just straight ahead is the laundry room. And there's a microwave and 2 vending machines too." Aspen said pointing down the hall.

We got to our room and it looked nice. There are two twin beds, a desk, a tv, our own bathroom, and a closet. It's pretty roomy and I can definitely get used to this. I set my stuff down on the bed to the right while Allison took the bed to the left.

"So what now?" I ask turning around to Aspen.

"Now we roam the campus. Come on. I'm going to show you the campus store and the places to eat. So let's go. I'm hungry." Aspen says walking out the door.

Hi guys. I hope you liked this chapter. Even though I know it sucked. Let me know how it was.

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