Scavenger Hunt

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"Peyton hurry up. We still have to get Allison!" Ali yells from the kitchen.

I finish brushing my hair and throw a beanie on. I grab my backpack and hurry to the kitchen. I eat a bowl of cereal real quick then brush my teeth. I walk back into my room and grab a flannel. I still need to cover up my arms.

I'm getting more and more comfortable wearing short sleeves around some of the girls. Mainly just Ash, Ali, Aspen, Kelley, and Jane. They don't stare like some of the others might. I mean thankfully no one else knows.

I meet Ali in the car and we take off down the road. I connect my phone to the car's Bluetooth and the first song I put on is Woke The F*uck Up by Jon Bellion. It's an awesome song. Allison's house isn't that far so we get there by the time the song ends and a new song comes on. And with no surprise it's Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond.

Ali drives off as soon as Allison gets in the car. We stop at a Starbucks because everyone knows Ali can't function without her coffee in the morning. She gets a venti vanilla hazelnut iced coffee with a little bit of coconut milk. I get a venti peach green tee lemonade with 3 pumps sweetener. Allison is basic and gets a venti caramel frap. Lame.

We arrived at school and see Aspen in the front, arguing with someone on the phone. I see Coach Rae leaning up against the gate on her phone. I see Ash sitting down on one of the benches and join her. She takes my drink and takes a sip then hands it back to me. No shocker there.

Ali makes her way towards us smiling and handing Ash the coffee. Ash grabs it and of course drinks like a quarter of it. She hands it back and I see Aspen walking towards us looking a little Irritated.

"Hey. Everything good?" Allison asked with concern.

"Yeah. Everything is perfect. But Greyson has been throwing tantrums and not listening to anyone. So Jill is making the girls bring him. Literally no one on your team knows I have a kid. This means they're gonna want explanations. Like how does a lesbian have a kid? They're gonna start assuming shit!" Aspen rants.

"Look it's fine. I'll just say he's my nephew that's tagging along" Ash tries to calm Aspen.

Aspen sighs and shakes her head. "I appreciate that. But he's my son. I can't pretend that he isn't. I'll just deal with the questions and make sure no one talks about this. I don't want him exposed on the internet."

We just sit and talk waiting for everyone else to arrive. Tiffany was quick to show up with a huge suitcase. Like why. We're only staying like one night. We'll be back tomorrow. Most of the girls showed up around the same time mostly because they carpooled together. Thank god for soccer moms and their mini vans. It makes things so much easier.

After a few minutes of hanging around and talking, 5 vans pull up and all the players from camp got out of them. Aspen and Coach walked up to them and I see Kelley come out with Greyson in her arms. Aspen takes him from Kelley and talks to the girls for a bit while the rest of us hang around on the sidewalk.

Coach Rae comes over and calls us into a group while Aspen stays in the parking lot with the others. "Alright ladies. Since the entire national team is joining us today. The scavenger hunt will be a little different. There will be 5 groups. There's 20 of you and 21 of them including Ali. However one of them will not be participating. So there will be 8 people in each group. 4 of you and 4 of them. Now. Who wants to be a captain?" Nearly all of our hands go up. "Okay. Tiffany, Allison, Jennifer, Rachel, and... let's go with Brooke. Now. I'll let you guys decide who here you want on your team. Then each captain will take turns choosing which national team player they want."

My group ended up being Allison, Lakelyn, Ari, and myself. Tiffany's group of course consists of her crew that act like they hate everyone because Tiffany hates everyone. Once everyone has their groups of 4 picked out. It was the captains turn to choose which national team players they want.

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