Back from Camp

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Hi everyone. I know I'm a terrible person for not updating in forever and for this chapter being short. I'm so sorry. It's summer and I was on vacation. I went to Vegas, San Diego, And Phoenix. I spent time with a lot of family and had like no time to update. I'm really Sorry.

The past two weeks at youth national camp was a lot of fun and very exciting. I was nervous and had multiple panic attacks but thank god Aspen was there the entire time. A lot of the time she would sleep in my room with me. She really kept me calm throughout camp. I know coaches are supposed to yell but I'm still a lot sensitive when I hear it. The coaches don't realize that but Aspen does. And she's always by my side if I need her.

I'm on the jet right now with Aspen and Nat heading to Orlando. Nat doesn't know a lot about my past but yet she knows when I need cheering up. She's the person to go to when you're sad and need someone to make you laugh.

We land and I go to grab my stuff but stop when I see the flight attendant carry my stuff out. I follow Aspen and Nat our of plane, each of them with their own stuff as I just have a backpack on. There's a car waiting for us and everyone puts the luggage in the trunk. I climb into the back and Aspen climbs in after me. Nat slides into the passenger seat next to driver and then we're off.

We get to the house and I'm so happy to be home. The three of us climb out of the car and even the driver gets out. He helps Aspen get the luggage and gently places everything in the driveway. Nat and I grab the bags and take them inside. Ali is quick to open the door and engulf me into a hug. I missed her so much.

"Hey kid" she says wrapping her arms around me. "Hurry up and put everything inside. We're going out to dinner later. Some of the Pride girls want to hear all about your youth training camp experience."

I nod my head and walk inside. I go to my room and immediately grab everything I need to take a shower. Nothing better than showering in your own home and sleeping in your own bed.

I quickly get out of the shower and get dressed in my room. I hear laughing so I go our back and see Nat and Ash in the pool trying to dunk each other. Ali is sitting in a chair by the pool with a book. I pool up a chair next her.

"Hey Ali. Where's Aspen?" I ask taking a seat.

"She had to go back to the airport. I guess her sister is flying in and she went to pick her up. They should be back for dinner." I nod my head and continue watching Ash and Nat mess around.

"Peyton!" Ash calls. "Come join us!"

"No. I just took a shower." I respond standing up to go back inside.

As I walk away I feel water hit the back of my legs and see Nat smiling at me. I shake my head and walk inside. I take a seat on the couch in the living room and check my phone and see a text from Allison.

A: hey. Heard your back. Hope to see at you at school on Monday.
P: yeah I'll be there. I'm kinda ready to be back at school

I see a text from Tyler as well. Man do I miss her.

T: PEYTON!! I miss you. How was camp?
P: it was so much fun. I met new people and it was great. Wish you were there though. I miss my partner in crime!!

I turn my phone and didn't realize how tired I was until I yawned. I got up and walked to my room and immediately laid down and my bed. Sleep took over immediately. I wasn't asleep for long because I was awoken by someone jumping on the bed.

"Fuck off. Let me sleep" I mumble while snuggling into my blankets.

"Okay fine. I'll just jump on the next flight to LA" a familiar voice says.

I look up and see Tyler standing over me. I immediately knock the legs out from under her and she lands on me. I wrap my arms around her and smile.

"Fuck you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I ask smiling.

She pulls away and lays down next to me. "It was Ash and Ali's idea. And I wanted to surprise you. I've missed you." She says looking a little sad at the last part.

"I've missed you too. But hey. I'm sure we can go to the same college. So any college you get to go to I'll be there too." I say.

Tyler sits up and scratches the back of her head. "You see Peyton. The thing is. I'm not going to college. I'm gonna go into the Navy like my uncle."

I look at her like she's crazy. "What?" I ask. My heart sinking.

She looked at me and started smiling. How can she smile. "I'm just fucking with you. As if I can handle the navy. I got an offer for a full ride for UCLA if I play for them. And I may or may not have already committed."

I lunge at her and pull her into a tight hug. "That's so awesome. I'm so proud of you. We've talked about going to UCLA our entire lives. But like I was low key hoping you would change your mind and want to go to a school in Texas."

"Why? Because your girlfriend played for the Dash?" She smirks at me.

I blush and look towards the door when I hear a knock. Ash pops her head in then walks all the way in. "Hey. Some of the girls are in their way here. We're gonna have a barbecue. So you might want to change. Just a tip." She says then walks out.

This should be fun

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