Breakfast With The Team

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Peyton POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I look at the time and it shows 7:30. The girls head out to the airport at 9am and their flight is at 11:30. I'm not going to school today because I want to spend time with Ash and Jane at the airport before they leave to Ohio.

"Peyton!" Ali shouts from the kitchen.

I run out of my room and into the living room. I see Ali dressed and I'm still in my sleeping shirt and basketball shorts that I sleep in. She looks up and frowns at me.

"We need to go. We're meeting the team for breakfast in a half hour. Hurry up." She says tapping her watch.

I run to my room and throw on blue ripped skinny jeans. I look through my closet and find a long sleeve Dash shirt. I throw that on and find my rainbow slip on vans. I run to the living room to let Ali know I'm ready.

We run out the door and to the car. Ali let's me play my music and The first song I play is zombie by the cranberries. It's the only song I actually like from them. After about 20 minuets of driving we pull up to IHOP. I'm so happy. I love their crepes.

"Good morning beautiful" Jane greets me as I take a seat between her and Ash.

I blush but mumble a hi back. I smile, wave and say hi to everyone. Megan and Ash are throwing straw wrappers at each other like the children they are. Mal records them while laughing and posts on her Snapchat story. Of course I see it.

I look around the table and notice Kelley isn't here. Neither is Aspen. Greyson is here, Alyssa and Moe are playing with him, keeping him occupied. I lean over to Jane.

"Hey. Where's Aspen and Kelley?" I ask curiously.

"They're on their way. They woke up a little late. But they should be here pretty soon."

I start up a conversation with Tobin who is sitting right across from me. We talk about the men's World Cup coming up. It's should be good. Although the US men aren't in it. I'll most likely be cheering for Mexico then. Since Canada isn't in it either and I have to cheer for a team from North America. Even though they're probably not gonna last that long.

"Hey guys. Sorry we're late" I hear Aspen say.

I look up and see her sit at the head of the table, near my side. Kelley of course sits next to her since they came in together. They smile and wave to everyone.

"So. How was it?" Ash asks them.

"It was terrible" Kelley says making Aspen frown. "She nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought she was dead for a long minute. And she made me meet her friends that almost drowned me. I could have died. She almost killed me." Kelley states crossing her arms.

"They did not almost drown you" Aspen counters.

"Wait. Are we talking about the water trio?" Ash asks. To which Aspen nods. "I haven't even met them yet. When I get back. You're taking me out there."

"I'll think about it"

Everyone went back to talking about the she believes cup or whatever it was that they were talking about. I was talking to Jane about the NWSL until Aspen asked me what college I'm going to.

"I haven't decided yet. I kinda want to go back to LA. It's my home. And Tyler is getting a full ride to  UCLA. So I'm hoping after getting called up to the youths team. Coach Cromwell will see me and offer me something."

"I live UCLA. The campus is absolutely gorgeous. Plus there's this ice cream shop that is amazing. It's called Diddy Riese. And I go there a lot. Their also getting a new soccer stadium. You'll love it there." Aspen said.

"Hey!" Sam shouts from the other side of the table. "You should definitely go to UCLA. Best school ever. I can even stop by during practice sometimes. That what be so much fun."

Tobin speaks up. "You know where you should actually go. UNC."

"I agree." Ash says smiling at me.

"Yup. Smart choice Harry" Allie says sitting next to Tobin.

I laugh as everyone is trying to get me to go to the college that they all went to. Kelley and Christen are talking about how much fun Stamford was. Sam is talking about beautiful UCLA is. The UNC alumni's are talking about how many championships they have. Moe and Emily are talking about their fun times at UVA. I love the rivalry.

Hi everyone. Sorry this is so short. The next chapter should be longer. And it will focus with Peyton being at the Youth Camp.

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