Sunday Practice Surprise

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Here's another chapter guys. It's gonna be longer than the others. I hope you enjoy.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh. Why can't Tyler have a normal alarm. Why does it have to make a beeping sound. She can use a song to wake up too. She's so annoying.

"Turn it off PK"

"Are you kidding me. It's your phone"

She rolls her eyes and grabs it. I look around the room and realise I'm not in my usual bed. Then thoughts of yesterday come rushing through my head.

"Oh my god. Did yesterday really happen?" I ask Tyler.

"You mean meeting Ash and Allie. Then getting a phone call saying that your mom is moving back and asked you to move in with her. And Ash inviting the both of us to dinner tonight. Nope. You dreamt it all" Tyler chuckled at the end of her statement

I throw a pillow at her and walked to the bathroom. It's Sunday but we have a weekend training session with the team. There's currently 9 of us because the seniors last year graduated. This should be a nice and light training.

"Hey PK Anson just texted us. She said she want us there 30 minutes early" Tyler shouted from the bedroom.

Ugh. I don't want to rush. That means that we have to hurry. We have to be out of the house in 20 minutes. Fuck my life. Seriously life is a bitch.

Mom got my stuff together last night. Thank you mom. Tyler and i rush downstairs and my mom is sitting at the island in the kitchen. She made us smoothies. She really is trying to be a mom once again. I appreciate that.

"Hey PK we have to go now. I still need to change and get my stuff from my house. Plus you need to borrow my extra pair of shin guards and your lucky coach will have more soccer balls at the field" Tyler said rushing me.

"Ok then. Let's go" We hugged my mom and then left to Tyler's house.

Tyler's parents were at work so we didn't have to worry about being questioned on how last night was. Thank god for that. When we got there I just waited in the car. I was to lazy to get out. What can I do to pass the time. I check twitter first. Why is Ashlyn on twitter at 5 in the morning. 'Getting ready for a special practice. Can't wait. So excited!' Who gets excited for training. I used to like it because it got me out of the house and away from my dad.

After about 10 minutes Tyler came back in a long sleeve Nike shirt that I also had on. Now I won't be questioned as much.

Tyler looked over to me and smiled. "You ready for practice/training PK?"

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said matching her smile.

Instead of singing along to the radio this time we sat in a comfortable silence. We only do that when there's a lot on our minds. This time it's most likely because we're having dinner with a few of our idols.

"Hey PK. Did you see what Ash posted on twitter?"

I gave her the 'are you kidding me of course I saw it' look. We all know that look.

She shook her head with a smirk on her face. "How nervous are you for tonight?"

"So nervous that I might pass out. Dude Ash knows to much about me. That isn't good. What if she told the team or the staff. I don't..."

I was suddenly cut off by Tyler grabbing my hand and speaking. "Hey calm down it will be okay. I promise. I'm pretty sure she won't tell anyone unless you were okay with it"

I didn't even notice that we were already here.
I just nodded to her and got out of the car. I grabbed my bag and she grabbed hers. We walked to the field in silence. I can't help but to think that I might screw up tonight somehow. Part of me isn't ready and the other part is.

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