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Today was my last day here. Apparently they stopped/caught the people that were threatening the girls and it's safe for me to go back home. And I'm kinda glad I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Some of the people here were cool and others were straight up terrifying at first. Aspen was always around though. The only time I was alone was when she was in important meetings. Other than that it was okay.

I got to watch Aspen train and she can fight. They had her up against 5 people at once and no one was able to lay a hand on her. She beat all of them so easily. It was super impressive. She even ran a mile in two minuets exactly. If only she could participate in the Olympics. She would win a gold medal for everything.

"Hey Peyton." Aspen says casually walking back into the room from taking a shower. "You should probably get some sleep soon. We have to wake up at 3:30. I have meetings all day tomorrow in Orlando. We have to get there early."

"Alright" I respond. I send a text to Ash and Ali saying 'good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you both.' I turn my phone off after that and go to sleep.

I awake to the sound of Aspen's alarm going off. I turn over and see her getting dressed already. I slowly make my way out of bed and get my clothes out of my suitcase. I walk into the connected bathroom and get ready in there. I put on a long sleeve red stars shirt, a reign hoodie, black adidas joggers with light blue stripes, a Thorns beanie and my black and red vans high tops.

I walk out and see Aspen waiting for me with all of our bags packed. She looks up from her phone, smiles and shakes her head. She open the bedroom door and two guys walk in. I recognize them from when we first arrived. They were the ones that carried our luggage. I think their names were Jack and Ben.

Aspen grabs her draw string bag and hands me my purse as we follow the two men out of the room. We walk through the facility with all eyes on us for some reason. It makes me a little uncomfortable and I think Aspen notices. She wraps her arm around my shoulders and pulls me into her.

"Later captain" "see ya A" "come back soon miss Kensington" was all I heard walking out of the building.

I see a really nice black Porsche waiting to take us to the private airport. The guys put everything in the trunk. Aspen opens the door for me and I climb into the back seat. The car has beautiful leather seats that I love so much.

"Enjoy your flight Miss Kensington. We look forward to your next arrival." One of the guys says and they both walk off.

Aspen quickly enters the car and sits beside me. "You can drive now" Aspen says and the driver takes off. I end up dosing off in the car and lean my head in Aspen's lap.

I wake up being carried bridal style in what I think are the arms of Aspen. "Hey sleepy head. We just got off the plane. I thought I'd let you sleep a bit more" she said still walking. I leaned into her more and rested my head against her chest.

I hear a car pull up and a door open. I feel Aspen gently place me in the back seat as she climbs in beside me. I'm assuming she's having the driver and the flight attendant put our bags in the trunk. I lean my head on Aspen's shoulder for the car ride. I don't go to sleep, I just put my earbuds in and rest my eyes a little bit.

I feel the car come to a complete stop and turn off. I lean away from Aspen and look out the window. I see a nice hotel. Why are we at a hotel. Aspen climbs out of the car and I follow her.

"Hey Aspen. Why are we at a hotel?" I ask.

"Um because the girls have been called in for camp here in Orlando. The she believes cup is right around the corner. Did you forget?" She says.

I nodded and smiled. The thought of seeing Jane made me really happy. I missed her so much. I followed Aspen into the hotel and through the lobby. We went up to the 4th floor and walked down the hallway. Aspen knocked on a door and Ash opened it. She saw me and wrapped me into a hug and spun me around.

"Well I'll let you catch up with the team. I'm gonna head down and talk to Jill then head to the school. I'll be back for dinner." Aspen said walking down the hall toward the elevators.

I walked into the room with Ash and saw Pinoe still sleeping. I walked over to the bed and climbed onto it. I stand up and Ash does the same but on the other side. I hold up five fingers and slowly count down. Once I got to one Ash and I both started jumping.

"What the hell!" Pinoe screams and holds a pillow over her head. Ash and I jump off the bed and laugh. Pinoe looks up and sees me. "Peyton!" She screams and gets up quickly. "How are ya doing kid. How's school? Man I've missed you so much." She says while hugging me tightly.

"I've been good. School is. Well... it's school. And I've missed you too." I say hugging her back. "Now that I've seen you two. Where's Jane at?" I ask.

"I think her and a few of the other girls went to a coffee shop. I'll text her and say that Jill wants to have a keepers meeting so that she gets back quick. But you should go say hi to the others." Ash says.

I nod and walk down the hall. I look at the doors and realise that I have no idea who's in what room. So I just wander around the hotel. I walk out to the pool and it looks nice. The girls are probably gonna want to go swimming later. I walk back into the hotel and run into Moe in the lobby.

"Hey Peyton how's it going?" She asks.

"Good. Do you know if Jane is around here at all?" I ask hoping she has an answer.

"Yeah. We just got back from Starbucks. I think she went up to Ash's room. Something about a Keepers meeting"

I said a quick thanks and walked straight to the elevators. I got to Ash's room and saw the door open a little bit. I hear Ash and Jane talking so I sneak in unnoticed by Jane since her back was to me. I snuck up to her and when I was right behind her I jumped on her back. She stumbled a bit but quickly kept her balance. I chuckled and got off of her so I could wrap my arms around her neck and give her a proper hug.

"Hey babe. I missed you" Jane whispered in my ear as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I mumbled "I missed you too."

We pulled apart when we heard Ash fake gagging. I looked at her and smirked. "If you're gonna be cute then leave my room and do that somewhere else..." Ash said. Then thought about it. "Actually no. Don't do that somewhere else" she ran over to us and stood in between. "Don't do that anywhere. Peyton is just a child." Ash said wrapping both her arms around me protectively while giving Jane a death glare.

"Chill out Ash. We won't do anything. We just started dating." Jane said.

"Fine. But just so you know. If you hurt Peyton. I will hurt you to the point that you will never play a soccer game again." Ash said staring Jane down.

"Okay. She gets it" I said getting in between them. "We're gonna go hang out somewhere else and be responsible young adults. Bye." I said dragging Jane out the door.

Jane led us down the hall to what I'm assuming is her room. No one is in here so I'm glad about that. She jumps on one of the beds and motions for me to join her. I make my way to the bed and lay down next to her. I immediately snuggle up to her and she wraps her arms around me.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" She whispers in my ear right after she kissed my forehead.

I pull my head away from her chest and look up at her. I lean in and capture her lips with mine. It was a slow kiss that showed how much we missed each other. I could stay like this all day. I trailed my hand from her cheek to behind her neck and pulled her closer to me. She gripped my hips a little tighter and pulled me closer to her as well. Our legs tangled and eventually she pulled me on top of her. Our tongues fought for dominance. It was getting heated but the ringing of her phone made us pull apart.

Jane answered the phone and walked outside into the hall, leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts. If this is how the week is gonna go with her then I don't want to leave the hotel. I just want to spend time with her before she has to go back to Houston.

I hope you all liked this chapter. It would have been up sooner but I've been working. Let me know what you think of it ❤️

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