Trial Without Error

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Here's another chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you do.

Arriving at the court house made me really nervous. I was actually super scared right now. I have no idea what is going to happen. Will I actually be able to be my own guardian. Will I be free of my mother. I will no longer have to wonder if she is ever coming back. I can shut her out of my life for good. But what will happen with me. Where will I go. Where will I live. I might have to say goodbye to Tyler. She's my best friend. Can I leave her. Will I have to. All of these questions were going through my brain. Thankfully I was brought out of my thought by Aspen speaking to a security guard outside of the court house.

"Awe miss Kensington. We were told about the "trial" everyone is inside the Green Room, waiting for your instructions and all that stuff" the guard said to Aspen.

"Ew gross. Never call me Miss Kensington again. I'm 19. Just call me Aspen. And thank you for letting me know what room everyone is in." Aspen says leading us inside the double doors and down a hallway. We get into an elevator. "Okay just so you know Peyton. Everyone here works for my uncle. That's how I was able to get your dad arrested. Now we are heading in to speak with the jury, judge, your lawyer, the lawyer that was appointed to your mother and, officers to speak of the plan. Basically to seem very professional during the trial and to talk about what your life after the situation will be like. Which is why Megan and Ashlyn are with us."

"Isn't that kind of illegal?" I ask.

"I rarely use my money and power for things. So when I do use it. People know it's for a good reason. And making sure you live the life that you deserve is a perfect reason to do this. Plus. I like being above the law."

With that we entered a room with many men and women dressed in formal business attire. Some older than others. Boy am I nervous. Aspen was quick to get everyone to listen. They talked about what will be said and how things will be addressed. She mainly talked to the lawyers.

My lawyer's name was Victoria. I guess her and Aspen go way back. Actually I guess Aspen goes way back with everyone that's here. My moms lawyer is Jason. He looks really scary while Victoria looks sweet and innocent. This should be interesting. While Aspen was speaking with the lawyers a man walked over to Megan, Ashlyn and I.

"Hello I'm Michael. I'll be the judge this evening. You must be Peyton. It's nice to meet you" He introduced himself and held out his hand. I politely shook it. "Well everything is settled. You will be emancipated no matter what. But since you don't work and can't provide for yourself you have to live with someone. Do you know who you want to live with?"

Before I can respond Megan answers for me.
"She'll be living with me. I have a place in Seattle" I can't believe she just said that.

"That's good to hear but there will have to be two adults willing to take her in." He responds.

Megan was about to say something but Ashlyn interfered. "You said two adults have to take her in. You didn't specify if they have to live together or even in the same state. As long as two people sign paperwork then that's okay right?" The man nodded with a smirk. "Then we can both sign the paperwork"

"That's correct"

"Wait are you guys serious. You would be willing to take me in?" I can't believe they would do this.

"Alright Listen up" Aspen shouts standing on top of the table. "you guys know the plan. Peyton you'll sit along side Victoria of course. Me and the girls will sit right behind you in the stands. Jason will be with your mother the whole time. It's a simple case and everyone knows what's going on. Now your mother has just arrived. Jason I need you to head down right now. We'll meet you inside. Now once we leave this room. Nothing gets said about the plan. Am I clear?" We all say yes. "Alright now I need to change. Peyton stay with Victoria she knows where to go. Ash and Megan follow me. Now if you need to leave right now leave." The judge leaves and some members that will sit in the stands leave as well. "Alright Ash and Mom your with me. Security guards suit up and everyone let's go." Aspen shouts jumping down from the table. She walk up to me and hugs me. "Everything will be Okay. I promise." She says walking away.

Aspen, Ash, and Megan head down a different hallway than Victoria and I. I'm honestly super nervous. What if this doesn't go right. And what is Aspen's full story. Why does she call Megan mom. And how can she arrange all of this. How does she have so much authority.

"You seem very tense and nervous. You okay" Victoria asked me.

"Yeah just thinking about how much my life has changed and will change."

Before she can answer we reach the door and met with two large scary security guards. At first they were scary then I recognised them from the room. How did they change so quick.
They let us in and Victoria took me to the table where we will sit.

After a couple minutes the doors opened again and I see Jason walking with my mother behind him. We make eye contact and she looks worried and hurt. All I do is look down and play with my hand in my lap. Victoria is getting papers ready as I look at them I see random stuff written. I already know what the outcome is gonna be.

After 15 minuets the doors open once again and I see Aspen walk in with Megan and Ash trailing behind. The three of them look very attractive. They're in suits and as they're walking towards us I cannot keep my eyes off of Aspen. She has a pale blue button up on with a black blazer and black dress slacks. It looks like she has a vest on under and oh my fucking god I can't stop staring. Ash and Megan look great too but like damn.

When they get behind us Aspen winks at me and I blush slightly. Ash and Megan just smirk at me. Victoria has to tap me on shoulder to get my attention. I blush even more and had to pay attention to whatever she had to say.

Finally after what took forever the judge walked in. Everything is going perfectly right now. I'm assuming it's going as planned. Since my mother wasn't willing to sign the papers she had to be questioned. Simple questions. Like why she was never at home. If she knew why my father got arrested. You know. Questions like that.

Apparently they arrested my father of murder. Last week there was a dead body discovered under a bridge and somehow they planted evidence to get him arrested. They only did that because being accused for child abuse is a much longer process and would need more evidence to convict someone.

I didn't need to be questioned since Victoria covered everything for me. She made valid statements and even stretched the truth quite a bit. I already knew the entire outcome so I just leaned back in my chair and relaxed. I spaced out for the majority of until my mother yelled.

"But she doesn't even have a job. How can she provide a roof over her head and food on the table and pay bills and buy clothes and other things."

Victoria laughed at this. "You didn't  think I thought about that. Sitting behind me are two perfect adults that will let Peyton live with them. They may live in different states but as long as both of them would be willing to take her in then that's okay. Plus they both have a steady income, decent sized houses, live in nice areas, and Peyton feels comfortable around them. The only problem would be that they travel a lot. But Peyton can travel with them and she can put on home studies with a new school or just be home schooled. Everything has been settled. You've lost. We won. And you're no longer Peyton's guardian. She's her own now."

"Slay Victoria slay" I say too her. Which earns me a smirk.

My mom is getting angry. Thankfully the guards noticed and there are two standing between the tables, blocking her view of me.

"Ok order in the court! Sit down Mrs. Kline. You weren't there for her for so long. Left her with a man capable of murder then you return. Take her away. Leave as soon as her father has been charged of murder saying it's because of your work. So no. You're no longer her guardian. Peyton Skylar Kline, you are now you're own guardian. Have a nice life living with either Miss Ashlyn Harris or Miss Megan Rapinoe. Or even both. Have a nice day. Court dismissed."

With that people started filing out the door. My mother had to be escorted out of the building because she was trying to get to me. Now a new chapter of my life begins.

Hi loves. Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Keep the ideas, comments, and feedback coming. I really appreciate it.

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