College move in

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Hey guys. I'm back. I know it's been forever and I'm really sorry. But I hope you like this chapter.

It's that time now. I have officially signed with UCLA and I am officially a Bruin. I'm so happy that I got a full ride and that Tyler and Allison are also going to be joining me here. The three of us were able to get an apartment together which I'm grateful for.

The only downside of me going to UCLA is the fact that I will be far from Ash and Jane both. I wont have either of them to comfort me when I need them. I love Allison and Tyler both there is no way that they would be able to help me during a panic attack. My only hope is that I will be fine.

The girls on the team are very nice and I know that they would have my back. Teagan seems like a jokester but she also seems like the person that would have my back. I kind of know Jessie from the USA vs Canada games a while back. So that's really helpful. Ashley is sweet I just hope that she will keep her distance.

Right now though, I'm in the car heading to my apartment to officially move in and start living there. Ash is driving, Ali is next to her in the passenger seat while Jane and I are sitting behind them. I unbuckle my seat belt and scoot over to the middle seat and sit next to Jane. She immediately wraps her arm around me and I cuddle into her side.

"You okay?" She whispers in my ear.

All I do is nod my head. Not sure if any words will even come out of my mouth. I do love her and I don't want her to worry. I just wish there was an NWSL team here in LA where Ash or Jane could play. Then I would be close to them and see them as often as I would like. I wouldn't have to worry about having an attack and being alone. They would be able to be there. Just a phone call away then minutes later they'd be there.

"Alright. We're here" Ash says pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex. Everyone gets out and I follow after Jane. I help get my bags out of the trunk and see that Ash and Jane are carrying the heavier bags. Ali grabs a duffel bag of mine and I grab my backpack. Ali wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me towards her side.

I'm definitely going to miss her. I know she isn't a huge fan of hugs but she always gives me hugs and has no problem putting her arm around my shoulder. It's comforting and makes me feel safe and loved.

We walked inside the apartment and it looks the same as when we furnished it with the help of my roommates and Aspen's money, and the school. UCLA furnishes the apartments with beds, dressers, furnished kitchen, so microwave, fridge, and stove. And we have a couch and lounge chair in the living room. We decided to get a TV, coffee maker, coffee table and other small stuff to add to the apartment. It's very roomy and I love it.

I'm sharing a room with Tyler which I'm happy about. My room has a dresser next to my bed and I pit a framed picture of Ash, Ali and myself on it. Then there's a picture of Jane and I hanging on the wall next to my bed. I'm definitely gonna miss them.

"Alright. Are you all settled?" Ash asked from the doorway of my room.

I turn around and nod. Not trusting my voice again. My eyes are starting to tear up a bit and Ash noticed. She took a seat on my bed and pulled me into her lap. I rested my head on her shoulder as she brushed her hand through my hair. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Hey, we were about to head... oh sorry am I interrupting?" Jane walked in.

We glanced up at Jane and I couldn't help but smile at her. Ash caught that and motioned for Jane to sit next to us. She grabbed one of my hands bringing it up to her lips giving it a gentle kiss.

"So what were you gonna say?" Ash asked Jane.

"We were going to walk around the campus. Aspen said she's going to meet us at BJ's later for dinner. So we were going to waste some time." Jane responded.

Ash looked at me seeing what I wanted to do. I just nodded and released my self from Ash's grasp. They both got up and filled me out of the room. I grabbed Ash's Orlando Pride hat off of the couch and put it on. Ali smiled at me and took a picture as I posed in it. Ash of course took the hat off of me and threw me over her shoulder.

"No. Ash put me down. Please!" I scream while hitting her back. "Jane. Help me!" I shout to my girlfriend who has her phone out either recording or taking pictures.

"Sorry. But even I'm not going to stand up to Ash." Jane says laughing.

Ash starts to spin in circles and I couldn't help but laugh. I glance at Ali and see her laughing while pointing her phone at us same as Jane. "Ali! Stop recording and help me. Ash is going to make me puke."

Ali puts her phone down and walks over to us. "Fine. Ash put her down."

"Oh alright." Ash says. And she throws me onto the couch. I lay there for a bit feeling defeated and a little dizzy. "Well. Are we going or not?" Ash asked while holding the front door open.

Jane helped me and grabbed my hand. We hold hands until we see people around and we let go. We've been together for a while but I still didn't want to make us public. I like the idea of having a close relationship that only family and close friends know about. Or in this case family and teammates.

We walk around a bit and check out the student store. I see shirts that say "proud UCLA mom" and I had to get two of them. Jane and I were able to sneak away from Ash and Ali so that I could buy these for them. They may not be my actual parents. But they sure are like parents. I know that they'll always have my back and protect me and love me. So this will be special. I'll probably give it to them later at dinner.

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