Day Off

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Here's the next chapter. Thank you to everyone that's been voting on my chapters and for participating in the votes about a relationship for Peyton. Let me know how this chapter is

After everything that happened at breakfast Jill decided to call off the light training that was scheduled for 2. I mean I'm not complaining but that just means that Megan and Ash are going to drag me everywhere today. Shopping today should be interesting

"Okay so who's going shopping with us today?" I asked Megan.

"It'll be me, you, Ash, Aspen, Kelley, and that's it I think."

Right now I'm chilling on the bed with Hazel laying next to me/ on top of me. She's resting her head and front paws on my stomach as I'm petting her. Megan is texting Sue Bird aka her girlfriend. Apparently they're going to dinner tonight and that's when Megan's gonna mention me to her.

There was a knock on the door and Hazel started barking like crazy. Megan and I looked at each other confused. Megan slowly got up and walked to the door. Hazel followed and was growling as well as barking.

"I know you are not barking and growling at me Hazel. I will make you sleep outside of the hotel." We heard on the other side of the door.

Megan opened it and Hazel jumped at the person that was at the door. All I see is Hazel laying on top of someone. That someone stands up with Hazel still in her arms and I notice that it was Aspen.

"Everyone is waiting for you guys in the lobby. That's why I came up here."

Aspen put Hazel down and Hazel walked right by her side. In the elevator Hazel could not keep her eyes off of Aspen. Then when the door opened she walked out first, looked both ways, then came back in and dragged Aspen out by her pants. It was quite amusing how protective and smart Hazel was being right now.

We reached the lobby and I heard Greyson giggling. Him and Piercing were playing around. There were a couple families checking in and they were in awe at seeing a wolf play with a small child. Aspen snuck up behind Greyson and picked him up fast an spun him around.

"Hey put me down. I play with Percin" Greyson said adorably.

"But we gotta go shopping with your aunts and Peyton. Don't you want some toys that you and Piercing can play with, and maybe some new clothes too"

"Yeah" Greyson squealed.

When we got outside we were trying to figure out how we were going to fit in one van. We decided it will be easier to take two since we would still need room for whatever it is we're going to buy. So we're just going to meet up at the mall.

I went in a van with Megan and Ash while Kelley, Aspen, and Greyson went in the other. Megan drove since she knew where to go. Ash was in the passenger seat with her phone connected to the aux playing a lot of Future, Halsey, and a little bit of Eminem. It was fun watching Megan and Ash try to rap 'rap god.'

"Hey Peyton why don't you call me Pinoe. I mean every fan I meet calls me Pinoe. But you were the first to call me Megan. Why is that?"

"Well Pinoe is your nickname. And I feel like only friends, family, coaches, and teammates should use nicknames for each other. Fans really have no right calling you guys certain nicknames specifically nicknames that are inside jokes. Like Tobin and Allie. Fans shouldn't call them Harry. That's something special between them. Along with Morgan being called bean, and Alex being called baby horse, or Kelley being called squirrel. So out of respect to you guys, I won't use anyone's nickname until I know 100% that I can call them that."

"Wow. I'm honestly speechless. I don't know how to respond to that." Ash says and I just chuckle.

"I know. It's very formal of me" I say back.

We continued listening to music and joking around. I think Megan will be okay with me calling her Pinoe but I don't know. We'll see later on. We got to the mall first and surprisingly it wasn't that packed. Aspen pulled up right next to us 5 minuets later.

We all headed inside and Tilly's was decided first. I got some really cute shirts and some hoodies. Aspen forced me to get like 15 pairs of jeans, 15 shirts and then Ash said we couldn't leave the store until I got at least 5 hoodies. I ended up getting 8.

After Tilly's we shopped around more. Apparently what Aspen bought me wasn't enough. After going to three more stores we decided to get lunch. We went to Red Robbin.

We all got seated together. I sat in between Ash and Megan while Aspen, Kelley, and Greyson sat across from us. As we were ordering our drinks two hands covered my eyes. I started freaking out a little. My breathing became rapid and heavy. I felt my chest tightening at the moment. I guess the person noticed because they removed their hands immediately.

"Hey it's okay. Take deep and slow breaths. It's just me. It's Jane. Your okay. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you'd have a panic attack. I'm really sorry." Jane said panicking as well.

I did as she said and took deep breaths. I watched her as she took deep breaths with me to help control my breathing.

"Are you okay now" She asked concerned.

I nodded my head and wiped the few tears that slipped. I guess even though I know I'm safe I'll always have panic attacks. I hate my father for doing this to me.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I saw you guys and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I didn't think this would happen. I'm really sorry. Is there anyway I can make it up to you"

"It's okay Jane. Really it is. I'm okay now. You don't have to worry."

"Hey Jane why don't you join us. You're one of the few younger players that doesn't annoy me" Aspen offered.

Jane chuckled at that but agreed and sat down at the end of the table by Greyson and Ash. The waitress came back and took our orders. Aspen, Kelley and I both got salads while everyone else got burgers. But Greyson got chicken tender and a side of Mac n cheese which I found out is his favorite.

Jane kept glancing at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. We were all talking about the upcoming game against New Zealand. Everyone is pretty confident. Kelley is excited to see Ali Riley; her old Stanford and FC Gold Pride teammate and roommate. They have some YouTube videos out and they are hilarious. Those two are some of the biggest dorks ever.

After we were done eating it was probably time to head back since it was 3:30 and dinner is supposed to be at 6. Im probably gonna be the only one that won't be hungry for dinner. I mean these girls are always eating. They never stop. Aspen is the only one that eats a normal amount of food in a day.

Megan and Ash decided to take me to Megan's place to drop off some of the new clothes that were bought. The game is in 2 days so we're only going to be at the hotel for 3 more days. I decide to bring 6 outfits back to the hotel. One nice outfit for dinner the day before the game and the rest were casual. I'm also going to bring some pjs too.

We finished putting my clothes away into the drawers and closet. My new room is pretty nice. It's bigger than my old one and the bed is bigger. It's a queen and before I had a full. Megan said that next week we'll do some more furniture shopping for the room.

We arrived at the hotel just in time for dinner. The three of us walked right in and served our selves. Well they did. I just got an apple and a water bottle. I look around at the tables and notice almost everyone is eating a full course meal. Seriously do soccer players ever stop eating.

I find a seat at a table with Aspen, Kelley, Greyson and Jane. Jane is being super cute playing with Greyson and Piercing. I sit down next to Aspen and Hazel moves from in front of Aspen to in between us.

Dinner ends pretty quick and everyone heads up to their rooms to sleep. A long day of training is a head for them tomorrow.

Hi friends. How did you like this chapter. Any ideas, comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.

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