Dinner with Them

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"Hi. Welcome. Seating for four?" The hostess greeted as we enter.

"Actually I believe our friend has a reservation set for Kensington." Ash responded.

We followed the hostess to the back of the restaurant. There was a long table with  a white table cloth draped over it. Classic Aspen. Wanting almost everything to be fancy. There's even a rose placed in front of every chair. I sat in between Jane and Ash as Ali say across from Ash.

Our waitress came shortly to get our drinks. Aspen isn't here yet but Ash said that she is on her way. Not long after that I see her making her way to the table with Greyson in her arms and Kelley following them. No surprise there. They greet us and take a seat. Kelley sits next to Ali and Aspen of course sits next to Kelley. The waitress returns with our drinks and takes Kelley and Aspen's drink order.

"So Peyton. You ready to start college. Get your degree. Play along side Jessie Fleming. And wait to get called up to the old people's team." Aspen says.

With that last statement said by her though, Kelley elbowed her in the ribs. Aspen just smiled and gave Kelley a kiss on the cheek.

"I mean I am excited. But like. It's barely May and classes don't start up until early September. I'm only moving in early for soccer."

I know I'll like it here. This is my dream school after all. The only problem is that I wont have Ash or Jane. I will admit that I've been doing a lot better. I just fear that something will happen and I'll need them.

I pull myself out of my negative thoughts and try to put a smile on my face. Aspen makes eye contact with me and she gives me a soft smile. I lean my head on Ash's shoulder and Ali smiles at us. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture of Ash and I.

"Hey Jessie. Hey Teagan!" Aspen waves the two internationals over. It looks like they were about to be seated at a table not to far from us.

The two of them make their way over to our table and Aspen stands up to greet them. Both Ash and Aspen pull up two chairs for the girls to sit at. The waitress takes their drink order saying she'll be back to take.

"Well Jeff, Teagan. You know the girls and Greyson but have you formally met your new teammate Peyton?" Aspen says motioning towards me.

I shyly wave and my two teammates introduce themselves formally. I remember Jessie from when the U.S played Canada those two games a while back. We had met briefly.

"Peyton. You were traveling with the U.S when they played Canada right?" Jessie asked. To which I could only nod. "Right. I thought I recognized you."

The rest of dinner went by like that. Small talk amongst everyone.

Sorry this was such a short update. I got nothing to say except I lack motivation to do anything. I've even been slacking in school

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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