First Day Pt 2

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Walking in to class we notice that the desks are placed in groups. One group has a sign on it saying 'captains only'. I guess we're special. Everyone else sits wherever but us captains get to sit together. Last years captains were pretty close so hopefully we're close as well. There's only 8 of us in this class though.

There's Tyler and I, the girls soccer team co captains. Tommy Jones the football captain. Jessica Hadley and Rachel Rushing the volleyball co captains. Tanner Locke, the boys basketball captain. Lakelyn Forester, the girls basketball captain. And lastly Maddy Johnson the softball captain.

Maddy and I are pretty close. She's my ex. We dated for 5 months sophomore year. It didn't work out and we ended our relationship on good terms.

When the minute bell rang everyone sat down in a seat. I look around and see some student athletes and other kids that I don't know. We're just waiting on coach Anson to get here. She's usually always early. Right before the bell rang coach Mason walked in. He's the football teams coach.

I'm so confused so I ask "hey coach where's Anson at? She was here this morning. "

"She's helping a few other coaches in the captains lounge. Getting everything ready for the meeting after school"

Half of our table shouts lame.

"Well if that's lame. Then I assume you kids don't want snacks, drinks, streamers, and balloons set. Or even music played" Oh he went there.

"Why are they're gonna be streamers and Balloons? We're not 8." Oh My God. Tanner Locke 'what is wrong with you?' I ask in my head.

"Are you kidding me Tanner. Streamers and balloons are amazing. Stop being a lame ass." Yes. You go Tommy

"Whatever" Tanner mumbles back.

Tanner is nice but he also doesn't know how to be kid and have fun unless drinking and partying are involved. It's really stupid.

The rest of class went by quick. Coach Mason let us talk amongst ourselves since he isn't the one in charge of the class. Us captains talked about how the meeting is going to be and about our sports.

When the bell rang everyone took off. We still had a half hour until we had to go to the meeting so we just hung out on the fields. The other captains joined us minutes later.

Tyler and I were talking by ourselves on the benches about the game coming up.

"So Peyton. You excited that they're coming early? I know I am"

"Duh. My favs will be here. Maybe I can propose to Kelley. Will she say yes!?"


"Hey ladies. The meeting starts in 5. We should head over." Maddy called to us.

We all headed over together. Tyler and I with our arms linked. Best friend goals. Am I right? When we got to the lounge we were shocked. There was a table set up with food and drinks. Streamers and balloon everywhere. Music was playing. It was very blue and purple. Probably because those are our school colors.

"Welcome Captains!" All of our coaches shouted.

We're such a family. All of us are really close. It wasn't even much of a meeting. We just hung out and talked about the seasons and our different sports. We were there from 2:30 to 4. It was nice.

Around 4:15 Tyler and I decided to hang out at the park down the street from my house. We were sitting on swings talking about anything and everything. It was going great until she asked...

"So. How has it been at home"

That question kind of threw me off. It came from no where. I kind of zone out thinking about the previous nights' events. She brought me out of my thought by wiping a tear from my eye. I hadn't even noticed I had as crying. She was crouched down in front of me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Tyler. I should have called or texted you last night. I couldn't take it. I'm just so sorry"

She pulled away and looked at me. She held my hands in hers.

"Sweetie. Don't ever be sorry. It's okay. But Can I see them? I want to make sure that they're not deep and that you cleaned them right."

I nodded my head not able to speak.

She rolled up my sleeves and gasped. The blood went through the gauze a little bit. She covered her mouth with one hand and had tears in her eyes. That made me start crying again. We held on to each other for what felt like hour but was probably just a few minutes.

I told her what he did to me as we hugged. She squeezed me harder. Afraid that she would lose me if she let go.

"Text or call me next time okay? I'm always here for you."

"Okay" was all that I could muster up.

"I love you Peyton. You're my sister and i can't lose you"

"I love you too Tyler. You won't ever lose me. Ever."

I have to be home at 7 and it's already 6:30. I should probably head home. Tyler didn't want to leave me with him. But she didn't really have a choice. She dropped me off and had tears in her eyes.

I got out of the car with a sad face.

"Ill see you tomorrow. I love you"

"Ok. I love you too. I'll be here to pick you up in the morning."

Ok here it is guys. Let me know how it is. I'll try to upload a new chapter at least once a week.

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