Soccer Practice Guests

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I was sleeping peacefully until I heard two people arguing in the room. I think it's Ash and Jane.

"Listen Jane. You'll see her later today. But she needs to get up for school. She's missed so much already" Ash says.

Ugh school. I zone them out and try to drift off back to sleep. That doesn't last long because I hear the door slam shut. I feel someone sit on the bed next to me starting to softly shake me awake. "Hey sweetie. It's time to get up. Aspen will be in here shortly to drop you off at school." Ali says whispering in my ear" I didn't know she was in the room too. She must have been quiet.

I look at her and smile. I missed her a lot. I slowly  got up and mumbled a good morning and started to the bathroom. Before she knows it I turn around and tackle her to the bed.

"What was that for?" She laughs out.

"I missed you" I say as I roll off her.

"Hey. Hands off my girl" Ash says playfully. I roll my eyes at her and head to the bathroom. I do my business, then go back to the room and get my clothes out. I decide on a long sleeve uswnt shirt, black and blue USA Nike joggers, a grey twloha slouch beanie and an Orlando pride necklace. I brush my hair and straighten it a little bit before walking out the door with my beanie on.

The three of us head down to breakfast together. Ali doesn't walk into the room because she doesn't want to see Jill. She says bye to us and walks out of the hotel. I'm assuming she's heading home. I walk into the breakfast room and I see Jane sitting with Andi, Rose and Mal. Jane didn't notice me walk in so I go in and stand behind her chair. I put my hands over eyes and she tries to guess who I am.

"Um Sam?" She guesses.

"Nope. I'm over here" Sam says sitting a few seats down from Andi.

"Okay how about Sonnett?"

"What about me?" Sonny asks serving herself fruit. Everyone just shakes their head at her.

"Alright my final guess is... Peyton?"

I remove my hands and take a seat next to her. She smiles at me and I smile back before getting up and serving myself breakfast. I grab toast with almond butter, an apple and a banana. I make my way back to the table and take a seat again next to Jane. I slice my banana and put the sliced pieces on the toast. As I take a bite of my toast I realise I forgot to get something to drink. I start to get up but Jane stopped me.

"What do you need? I'll get it for you" see she's so sweet.

"Just an apple juice please" I say and she gets up to get it.

As she does that the doors to the room open and in walks Aspen carrying Greyson. She walks towards me and takes Jane's seat. No shocker there. "Hey kid. How was your night?" She asks stealing Mal's banana from her plate and hands it to Greyson.

"It was good. I slept peacefully" I replied taking a bite of my toast. Ash walks over to us and scoops Greyson out of Aspen's arms. Aspen stood up and walked over to the food and made a plate.

Jane joined us again shortly after Aspen left with more food and my apple juice. I mumbled a thanks and took a sip of my juice. We continued talking a bit. Today some of the girls have the day off. All keepers, some forwards, most defenders, and a few midfielders have the whole day today to themselves. So hopefully I'll be able to hang out with Jane today after practice.

I look to my right and see Ash with Greyson. If Ali didn't leave yet. I'd be able to see them both with Greyson. I'm just waiting for the day that they either decide to adopt a kid or actually have a kid of their own. It'll be interesting seeing them actually be parents and not super chill guardians like they are right now.

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