First Day Pt 1

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I awoke to the sound NF blaring from my phone. I turn the alarm off and look at my messages. Tyler texted me 10 minutes ago. Tyler knows everything about me. Everything about my dad, my mom never being home, even about my self harm. She was the first person that I came out to. She was there for me through it all. I should probably text her back

T: Good Morning PK. Excited for school!?
P: I guess. I'm just ready so that I'm not home as often. Don't forget to pick me up in a half hour.
T: ok yeah I'll be there. I'll bring coffee too.
P: 😊 ily
T: whatever

I start to get dressed. I have no one to impress so I'm just going to wear my black Nike equality shirt with the rainbow letter. A flannel over it. And my Barcelona soccer pants. I'm about to own this shit.

I have 15 minutes until Tyler is supposed to be here and I really don't want to walk downstairs. But I'm gonna have to. I have my soccer bag and my backpack by the door ready. So I just walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple. My dad is probably passed out in his room so I sit at the island on my phone.

I check instagram and notice that Megan Rapinoe posted a pic of her with Syd, Ash, and Ali. Caption: can't wait to see these 3 next week at camp in LA. Whose gonna be at the game?  They're gonna be here next week. I can't wait. I'm so excited. Pinoe and Ash are two of my favs. Along with Kelley and Christen. Omg I can't stop smiling.

Finally I'm pulled out of my thoughts from a honk of a car in my driveway. Tyler is here right in time. I throw the rest of my apple away and race to the door before my dad wakes up. It's 7:15 and school doesn't start until 8 but I want to get my schedule and talk to coach before school.

I run to the passenger side of Tyler's new 2016 Dodge Challenger. I throw my stuff behind me and reach over to hug Tyler. " Hey PK ready for school?" She asks.

"Hell yeah. The two Co Captain soccer stars are about to own this bitch!" I respond. The girls soccer team at school is pretty popular. We always make it to state.

As we're heading to school we're listening to music and having a good time. I turn over to Tyler and say
P: "Megan posted that the team will be here next week for camp. Maybe we'll run in to them.
T: Dude I know I saw twitter. I'm so excited. The game is in like 2 1/2 weeks
P: Ty I might meet my idols. I really need to meet Megan and Ashlyn
T: You will PK. You will.

Tyler pulls into the parking lot and we get out. We grab our backpacks and get our schedule first. "There are quite a few Freshmen and Sophomores here early. I expected less. Hopefully they aren't annoying like last year" Tyler says. Freshmen are easy to pick out. We only have 4 classes this year instead of 7. Perks of being a senior.

We get our schedules and compare classes.
Peyton's schedule:
1 period calculus w/ Mrs. Edwards
2 period AP chemistry W/ Miss González
3 period English W/ Mr. Smith
4th period sports medicine W/ Coach Anson

Tyler's schedule :
1st period Statistics W/ Mr. Windsor
2nd period Psychology  W/ Ms. Olson
3rd period English w/ Mr. Smith
4th period sports medicine W/ coach Anson

"Hey at least we have the last 2 classes together" Tyler says.

" yeah. We should probably go talk to Coach Anson now. I have few questions about upcoming tryouts and about the captains meeting. Plus she probably misses me cus I'm her fav." I respond back.

Tyler just shakes her head. We walk to the girls locker room arms linked together. Getting a few 'hey' from people in the process.

We get to locker room and see some new faces. I find coach in her office talking to a freshman girl. Tyler and i walk in and sit on the couch waiting for her to be done. When she is she turns to us and asks "what are you 2 trouble makers doing here so early?" We smile at her and Tyler responds "we decided to check out the new freshmen and Peyton here at some questions" Tyler motions to me. "Yeah well. Beth good morning to you too. We need keys for the captain lounge and also when are tryouts and how many people are we letting on the team this year?"

She tosses Tyler and I a set of keys for the captains lounge. There's a lounge at our school with a tv , video games, couches, bean bags, and vending machines for all the sports captains. It's pretty great. That's where we also host our captains meetings.

"Tryouts with be the third week of October and we need 18 people for Varsity." Coach says.

Tyler and I get up and are about leave. As we walk past Coach she pulls us into a hug and says "I've missed you two. But Peyton, never call me Beth again." She smiles and releases us. I salute her on my way out and laugh. She shouts back "see ya at captains meeting after school."

My first 3 periods are going by pretty quick. All we did was introduce ourselves and go over what we will be doing for the rest of the year. 3rd period is about to end and I'm just talking to my teammates around me. Which are Tyler, Leslie, Sarah, Alexis, and Cammie.

The bell rings and Tyler and I are headed to sports medicine. We see Tommy, captain/quarterback of the football team at school come out of a class and we walk to class together. As we turn the corner we see Eric and Colton (senior varsity football players) messing with a freshman.

"Put your boys in check Tommy" I tell him.

"Hey" he stomps over to them. "Leave the kid alone. Let him get to class." Colton backs off and yells "Or what" Tommy pushes Eric and Colton away "or you're both off the team".

The three of us head to class without saying anything.

Authors note.
This ch will have 2 parts. I will have the second part up by Friday. It'll be mostly about the captains meeting and the sports. Let me know what you think. Please. Sorry this was long

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