'Accidental' Run In

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A week and a half later
This ch will be long just a warning

I've already completed one week of school. It was nice seeing my teammates and friends. The coaches were glad to have us back. Teachers not so much.

My dad has only beat me once since I started school. That's a good thing. It might have been a bad beating but I can't really do anything about it. He's said some horrible things throughout the week though. He keeps reminding me that I'm worthless, useless, an accident, and is constantly calling me a dyke (let me know if any of you are offended by this word. I'll remove it if so). It sucks big time.

It's a Saturday and I'm just chilling in my bed waiting for Tyler to pick me up. We're supposed to be going to this new coffee shop that just opened up last month. Kids from school say it's the best. So we're gonna check it out.

I go on Instagram and see that the uswnt has posted something. 'Allie Long Insta story takeover'. She's the best at takeovers. She provides the best content. I will fight someone if they say otherwise. I'm brought out of my thought from Tyler calling me.

"What now Tyler?" I answer jokingly

"Well I guess you don't want to get coffee with me then. I'll just pull out of your driveway without you"

"No! I'll be down in a minute." I say as I
hang up.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and grab my wallet. I'm just wearing a UCLA soccer shirt and blue Nike soccer pants. I walk out the door and run to the car.

"I was just about to leave without you" god Tyler would say that.

"I would have fought you if you did" I threatened

"Whatever. Let's just go"

On our way to the coffee shop we're just singing along to the radio having a great time. I'm checking the national teams Instagram story. They're at training. Ha those losers.

"All right. We're here" Tyler says as she's already exiting the car.

We walk in and there's two people ahead of us. Tyler gets a table while I stand in line and order the drinks.

"Hi can I get a medium iced mocha with caramel please. And a medium iced caramel macchiato."

"Sure what's the name?"


I hand her the money. It's only $8 which is nice. It's not a lot at all. I go to sit across from Ty. She's on her phone like always. She probably didn't even notice I was sitting there. When I heard my name called I got up to get the drinks. When I came back Tyler put her phone away so that we can talk. I hand her the iced mocha with caramel.

"Thank you. So did you here what happened to Mrs. Collins. " she was our Biology teacher freshman year. A grumpy old lady. She was like 70.

"No what happened"

"She got fired. She went off on one of her classes. She was throwing markers at students and even hit one with a ruler"

"Dude it took that and like 5 complaints from freshmen year plus the other complaints to finally get her fired" I say sort of shocked.

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