Jersey Bound

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Okay so there is a game in January. If someone can take me that'd be great. I'll love you forever. I mean it. I'm super loyal. Besides that. Enjoy the chapter

Today is the day that we head out to New Jersey. It's been a few weeks since the incident and I've really grown closer to all the girls that are here. Jane has been awesome. She rarely ever leaves my side and always wants to help me. She's always trying to show me how much she cares about me and it's a nice feeling.

We're all loading our bags in the van. Sue is going to drive one van with the luggage and of course Megan. While everyone else will pile in a van that Aspen rented from the airport yesterday.

I feel someone come up next to me and drape their arm around my shoulder. I look and see Kelley smiling down at me. I return the smile and lean in to her side a bit more.

"You ready to go to Jersey and see the other girls?" Kelley asked me.

I shrugged my shoulder. "I guess. I just don't want anything to happen."

"Yeah I totally understand. Aspen is insanely worried. She was even thinking about hiring a body guard to be with you when we can't" she said. Chuckling at the last part.

"Alright everything is loaded!" Aspen shouted. "Let's Head out now."

Everyone started getting inside. Megan and Sue left right away. We're still trying to figure out the seating arrangements.

"Peyton and I can take the way back with Greyson sitting in between us. Would that be okay?" Ash asked. Aspen agreed since she'll be driving and can't exactly sit with Greyson.

"Okay cool. So I can sit in the middle row with Jane. And is the trio coming with us?" Tobin asks referring to the wolves. 

"Yeah. They followed Megan and Sue out." Aspen said. We all got into the car and Greyson fell asleep right away. He leaned hi head on me and I wrapped my arm around him. He's super cute.

We arrived fairly quickly to the airport. Instead of parking where she should have parked to return the van, Aspen drove all way to where the planes were. Megan and Sue were already there waiting for the flight attendants to load the bags and finish getting the jet ready. Yup that's right. We're taking Aspen's private jet to New Jersey.

We walked up to them and we hung out for a bit before we were allowed to get on. Aspen walked up to the cockpit right away, I guess to talk to the pilot. When she came back out to get us the trio followed. Aspen was holding Greyson in her arms so Piercing ran to them. Hazel gracefully walked over to me and nudged herself against my legs. Midnight was just casually walking around us.

We got on shortly after and this jet is so luxurious. I don't know how I keep getting surprised, I mean I know that Aspen has a lot of money but I'm still impressed. I sit down in one of the seats and Jane sits down next to me.

"Ha losers. Guys I just got a text from Carlos. Her, Moe and Becky just arrived at the hotel. And Jill is having them set up the conference room, and help set up the storage and massage therapy rooms. This hilarious." Aspen said laughing.

"Why can't the staff do it themselves?" I ask.

"There's apparently only a few people there. Only like 2 equipment men and then the coaches. That's it. Everyone else has a delay or they don't arrive until later." Aspen said answering my question.

After that short conversation everyone else started conversations amongst themselves. When the pilot came on over the intercom, i got a little nervous. Flying still bothers me a little bit. But everyone seems to be calm and not bothered at all about this.

Hazel laid her head in my lap and I have to admit that it calmed my nerves down a lot. After being in the air for half an hour i started drifting off to sleep. I laid my head on Jane's shoulder and let sleep take over. I ended up waking up right when we landed.


"What the fuck do you mean Ali isn't on the roster?!" Aspen screamed at Jill.

We were all currently sitting in the conference room going over roommates and training plans. Aspen isn't happy when she saw the list of who got called up. I mean i wasn't surprised since I was in the locker room when Jill said that Ali won't be called up. Right now Jill and Aspen are just going off on one another. This is intense. The roommate list came around and I was happy with who I was rooming with.

Jane and Julie
Abby and Kelley
Alyssa and Morgan
Rose And Sam
Lynn and Meghan
Mal and Lindsey
Alex and Allie
Ash and Adrianna
Megan and Emily
Carli and Becky
Sofia and Casey
Christen and Peyton

I thought i was just gonna room on my own or with Aspen. I'm kinda glad that I get to room with Christen. Tobin isn't on this roster because she hurt her ankle but she's still gonna hang around. Her and Aspen are staying in a room together. Tobin tried to room with Christen but Jill refused to let that happen.

"Um Jill can I Please room with Peyton? I have nothing against AD but I think Peyton would be slightly more comfortable with either me, Tobin, Jane, Kelley or Aspen. Ashlyn brought up.

"I don't think that would be appropriate." Jill responded.

"Hey if it makes them feel more comfortable. Then that's fine. I don't mind switching." Christen said.

"Fine. But no more switching. Got that." Jill said ending the meeting.

Ash walked up to Christen and started talking to her a little bit. I don't know what they were talking about though. They hugged then Christen walked over to Tobin and Ash walked over to me.

Since Carli, Morgan, and Becky helped set everything up we had the rest of the day to our selves. Training will start at 10am tomorrow morning though and no one was happy about that. Some people decided to hang out around town for a bit and others decided to hang out in the hotel and explore. I haven't really been wanting to go out lately.

"Hey Peyton. Wanna go explore town with us?" Lindsey asked me.

"Uh no thanks. I think I'm just gonna hang out around here. I don't feel like going out" I respond.

I think the last time I actually went out just to have fun or shop was when I ran into my uncle. I've been to scared that I might see someone else I know that might try to hurt me. So I guess I've been locked up for a little over two weeks.

Walking up to the room with Ash was pretty quiet. I haven't been able to have a great time lately. I've done fun stuff over the past week but yet I'm still unhappy. Ash grabbed her bag and went straight to the bathroom. She came back out in a bikini top and swimming trunks.

"Change and let's head down to the pool with the others." She said tossing me my bag.

"I can't" I sadly responded looking down.

She brought me over to one of the beds and sat me down. "Look. I know why you don't want to change. So. If you look into the bag. You'll see swimming trunk and a long sleeve swimming shirt. I want you to have fun with us and still be comfortable as well."

I look up and smile at her. I open the bag and pull out the clothes. "Thank you Thank you Thank you." I repeat over and over while hugging her.

I guess being Mew Jersey won't be to bad.

Hi everyone. Sorry it took me a while to update. And sorry if it was short. Holidays are always crazy with family. Please keep voting and commenting. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

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