Slightly Better Game Day

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I was having a nice and peaceful sleep until I was rudely awoken. I felt the bed being jumped on and I heard Ash and Megan yelling at me to wake up because it's game day.

"Let me sleep!" I yelled at them.

They wouldn't stop though. So I kicked one of their legs out from under them and Megan landed hard on my back. Ash jumped off the bed and laughed at Megan

"Well someone is feisty this morning" Megan commented getting off of me.

"Yeah its called getting woken up rudely by two extremely annoying weirdos" I reply getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I checked the time and saw that it's only 6:30. Ugh why does today's game have to be at 2. Breakfast is at 7:15 then we have to leave the hotel at 12:30 to get to the stadium. Ugh.

By the time I'm ready it's 7, so we we just started to head down. Walking to the elevators we passed by Aspen's room and she walked out with Kelley behind her, Greyson on her shoulders and the three amigos aka the wolves. We said hey and continued our walk to the elevators.

Kelley seems super excited for the game today. Apparently she's cleared to play and she's really only excited to play against her former Stanford and FC Gold Pride teammate, Ali Riley.

"So Peyton where do you want to sit today at the game. We can sit right behind the girls, in the suite, or we can sit where the field seats are" Aspen asked me.

"Um it doesn't matter. Wherever really."

"Ok cool. Because the Harry's, Kelley, and I were up last night making posters for the game. I'll show you them after breakfast. They're pretty funny."

"Oh this can't be good" I heard Megan mumble as Ash chuckles a little.

The breakfast room is louder than I thought it normally is. Kelley leaves Aspen's side and joins some of the younger girls. Tobin and Christen are off to the side away from all of the noise. While Ash And Megan are going from group to group. I decide to hang out with some of the younger girls. Some of the girls ate a lot of carbs and others ate a lot of protein.

"Hey Aspen there's 2 women at the door claiming they know you. What should I do?" Steve one of the athletic trainers shouted.

"Did they tell you their names?"

"Yeah. Ashley and Stella"

"Ummm yeah let them in. Let me see who they are." So Steve did and Halsey and Ruby Rose walked in. "Oh thank god you showed up. You two are going to the game and are going to watch Greyson up in the suite. Thank you love you here you go. Have fun" Aspen says handing Greyson over to the girls.

They look at her like she's crazy. But don't they know her. At least that's what Steve said.

"You're Lucky he's adorable or else we wouldn't take him." Ruby said walking out the door with Greyson in her arms. Halsey or should I say Ashley followed right after.

"How do you know so many famous people" shockingly this question came from Steve. I thought he didn't know who they were. Aspen just shrugged as her answer.

Finally it came time to head out to the stadium. Well actually Aspen and I headed to the stadium an hour before the girls. I saw the posters that were made and some were hilarious while others were salty as fuck.

The posters said "BRING BACK THE KLING," "JANE CAMPBELL IS TAKEN BY ME" "KELLEY IS MY FIANCÉ" "ABBY FOR HEAD COACH" and lastly "SONNET DESERVES BETTER!!" So five posters total is about right.

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