I Love You

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Peyton's POV

"Congrats on the win babe. You played great. And I cant wait to see you play on the youth national team. You earned it." Jane said hugging me.

I pull away and smile at her. I want to kiss her so bad but I know I cant. I grab her hand and walk over to Tobin, Christen and Kelley. Tobin has the biggest smile on her face as she sees us walking up to them. She wraps in a hug and I can't help but smile and hug her tight. I'm so glad she's here.

We pull apart and I hug christen and Kelley. They both congratulate me but Kelley seems a little off. I hope she's okay. The five of us talk for a little bit as the people start to slowly disperse.

I glance at Kelley and notice that she's staring elsewhere. I follow her line of sight to see her watching Aspen. Aspen looks up and waves at us but blows a kiss towards Kelley. She quickly says goodbye to the group of people she's talking to and jogs over to us.

"You ready?" She asks Kelley and she just nods and blushes. "Cool. Let's go." She grabs Kelley's hand slowly pulls her away from us. Where are they going.


Aspen has been on my mind all day and that makes me nervous. I can't even focus on Peyton right now and she's standing right in front of me. She won today and she played just like Tobin. Or at least that's what everyone is talking about. I see Aspen falling to her cousin. She looks up at me and smiles, she says goodbye and comes over to us.

She asks me if I'm ready and all I do is nod my head. She grabs and drags me out to the parking lot. We walk hand in hand to her car and I can feel my palm start to sweat.

"Hey. Don't be nervous." She says bringing my hand up to her lips and kissing it. I blush at that.

We reach her car and she opens the passenger door for me. So sweet. She walks t o the drivers side and gets in. Then we're off and I have no idea where we're going.

"So. You gonna tell me where we're going?" I ask with a smirk.

"Well we need to head to my place real quick to change."

"But you told me to dress comfortable."

"True. But I remembered something. So I decided to take you somewhere else than where I originally planned to take you. Now stop questioning me. You'll have fun. I promise" she smirked after that statement.

I looked our the window as we drove to the hotel. And I honestly have no idea what she has planned for our date. And all I can think about is that this is an official date. Not like the ones before. This one different. And now I know that she actually likes me and I'm not like the others. At least that's what I hope.

Aspen pulls up to her house and it still amazes me. For someone who doesn't like flaunting her money she sure does like to buy to expensive things. She really only shows off her money when she hangs with the team and doesn't want anyone spending their money. She's sweet and I love that about her.

She gets out and before I can open my door she opens it for me. "You know. You don't need to be extra nice and flattering." I smile

"I know. But I don't want to mess this up. I want you to see that I truly want this to work out." She replies sadly.

I take her hand and give her a kiss on the cheek. She blushes and it's so cute. She never blushes. She leads me inside the house and up to her room. I see my suitcase on her head and I quirk an eyebrow up at her.

"I left a car with Christen and told her to bring your luggage here. I-I'll be leaving tomorrow with you guys. And I was hoping maybe that you'd want to stay here for the night since we'll be out kinda late. If not then that's fine. I get it since-" before she could say more I cut her off.

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