School? Why? Dinner?

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I'm sorry it took forever for me to update. II've been really sick lately. I'll try to be faster with updating from now on. Enjoy the chapter!!!

December 31, 2017
Thought that I should add a date.

Knock knock

I'm watching Netflix when there's a knock on the door. "Come in" I shout.

Ash walks in and sits next to me. Already I know something bad is going to be said. "Umm Ali and I were talking about you going back to school. We think it would be great so that colleges can see you play. So we signed you up. And you start the 2nd semester of your senior year on January 24. So you start when we get back from camp"

"Ugh. Why do I have to go back to school. Can't I just join a club team?" I ask hoping she'll say yes.

"No. Only because when we start preseason we want you to come join us." I guess that's okay. But I still don't want to go to school. I just nod my head and sigh. "Cool. I knew you'd understand. We leave here on Friday. The 6th." She says as she leaves me to my thoughts.

I was hoping I would be able to finish off my senior year with online classes but now I can't. All I can do is hope the school is okay academic wise, they have a sports med team, girls soccer is great, and the kids and staff don't discriminate. I just want to be able to be myself and not worry about to much. I also hope that if I can join the soccer team that no one finds out I'm living with Ash and Ali. The last thing I need is fake friends.

My phone starts going off. I notice that I'm getting a FaceTime call from Jane. I'm still disappointed though. However I answer the call anyway.

"Hey Janey. I miss you."

"I miss you too. So what's up. Why did Ash say that I have to call you? Are you okay!?"

"Yeah I'm okay. I just found out that after camp I have to start school again. And obviously I have to be on the soccer team."

"Gross. I hate school. Glad I've graduated. I'm sorry that you have to go." Jane said that with so much disgust.

"Me too... but enough about that. I get to see you in about a week"

That's how the conversation went. We talked about stuff that we can do at camp. She wants to take me out on an actual date. I'm actually excited about that. She's the cutest. She wasn't sure if I would want to go on a date with her in public. Of course I want to go. Why wouldn't I.

After a while of us talking, I had to get ready for dinner. Ash, Ali, Alex, and I were going out to a super fancy dinner at like a 5 star hotel apparently. I'm not sure why but we are. I have to dress super nice. I jump in the shower real quick, I wrap my towel around, and I'm looking through my closet for something to wear until their is a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask hoping it isn't Ali or Alex.

"You're favorite goalkeeper" I hear Ash say. I can practically see her smiling through the door.

I walk over and open it a little since I'm still in a towel. She notices but doesn't care and walks right in closing the door behind her. She has two different colored vests in her hands and she looks a little nervous.

"I need your help. Should I wear the light blue one or wear the purple one and patch with Ali?"

"I'd say the light blue. You don't want to give fans more of a reason to make a big deal out of Krashlyn"

"Thank you Peyton you're the best." She says walking towards my closet.

She starts looking around. For someone who isn't girlie she certainly can pick out a nice out fit. She pulls out a simple black mid thigh skirt and a nice white v neck with a nice black blazer. Now Ash knows fashion.

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