New School

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I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. Semi-Important note at the end. Thanks for all the reads and votes!!!

"Peyton! Get up! You're gonna be late on you're first day." Ash yelled from the kitchen. She wasn't making me breakfast. Something about wanting be to be well fed. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. Ali was making me lunch. Cute.

"Hey kiddo" Ali says putting my lunch bag in my backpack. I smile and say 'hey' back.

"Alright here is your fruit smoothie and chocolate chip Belgium waffle." Ash says setting the food and drink on the island. I sit down and start eating. "Don't forget soccer tryouts for you are right after school. Aspen and Ali are gonna be there. So don't be to nervous. We've talked to the coach and she won't say anything to any of the players. You should be good though. I packed your bag. I put an Orlando City warm up shirt. A pair of Nike pros. Orlando pride shorts, socks and your blue mercurials. Oh and blue pre wrap. It was JJ's idea. Ali put your shin guards in. I think they're the Portland ones."

"Thank you. I'm glad you packed for me. I wasn't gonna do it." I said standing up and putting my dishes in the dish washer. I grabbed my backpack and soccer bag, ready to leave. I stand by the garage door waiting for Ash to put her shoes on.

On the way to school, I couldn't be more nervous. I'm gonna have to walk into the office by myself because I don't want anyone to know that I know Ashlyn. I love her. But like I don't want anyone to befriend me because I know her and Ali.

We pulled up to the front of the school and I saw someone that immediately calmed me down. Ash parked the car and Aspen came over to the passenger side, so I rolled down my window. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Hey Aspen. Take good care of Peyton for me. Ali will kill me if anything happens to her." Ash said leaning over a little.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of her. I take care of everyone. You know you can trust me with anyone's life." Aspen said popping her head through the window. "Alright we should go. She needs to get her classes and I plan on showing her around."

I said bye to Ash and walked into the school with Aspen leading the way. We reached the office and Aspen got me my schedule. I looked at it and I only have 4 classes. AP stats, English, Psychology, and Sports Medicine. Thank god they have that class. Being an athlete, this class comes in handy.

Aspen showed me around to my first 3 classes. And I saw the gym, work out room, stadium, and cafeteria. We walked to the trainers room last. I walk in and I see a lady putting the light therapy pads on a younger girl's thigh. The lady looks to be around 25 and the girl who looks to be maybe a junior.

"Hey Blake. I brought a friend." Aspen says putting her arm around me.

The trainer walks over to us and sticks out her hand. I shake it. "Hey I'm Blake. You must be the new kid. I'm the trainer here. And I have 3 sports med classes. So you'll be my student. But You'll love it here. Our soccer team is pretty good. And if what Aspen says is true. Then you'll only make them better." She says and smiles.

"Well it was great seeing you. I'll probably stop by later. But I'm gonna take Peyton to go meet coach. See ya around Blake." Aspen says walking out. But then she peeps her head back in. "Hey Amanda. Looking forward to seeing you play tonight. Don't disappoint me." I'm assuming Amanda was the girl sitting on the table.

We walk towards the locker room I'm assuming. Which I'm right because Aspen opens a door that says 'girls locker room' on it. She leads me down rows of lockers until we reach an office. On the door it reads 'coach Rae's quarters.' Aspen unlocks the door and inside there is a younger female working on the computer. Aspen clears her throat and the coach looks up at us and smiles.

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