I'm So Sorry

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This chapter mainly focuses on Peyton, Ashlyn, Kelley and the new character, Aspen. I got the idea to write this chapter from VJE1317 Thank you.

"No no no. Please. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be out this late. I wasn't keeping track of the time. I'm so sorry. Please don't do anything"

He kept getting closer to me. I was backed up to the wall. Without hesitation he grabbed me by my throats and slammed my head against the wall. I get a little dizzy. I can't breathe. I'm struggling. He slammed my head one more time before he threw me to the ground. I feel like I'm shaking. I here someone calling my name. He punches me once and I black out.

Suddenly I jolt up from the bed and realise it was just a nightmare. A horrible nightmare that I've lived before. The events of last night come rushing into my head. Tyler and I spent the night at the hotel with the girls. Tyler had to go home and watch her brother later that night and I stayed. I look around and see that Ash and Kelley are staring at me with shock and worry written on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Ash asks taking a step forward.

It's still dark. I look at the clock and it's 3 in the morning. Tears stream down my face as I'm sitting on the bed, with my knees up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. Ash takes a few more steps and sits down next to me, pulling me into her lap and holding me. My back against her front. Her arms wrapped around me.

Kelley turned on the light and a gasp came from her mouth. "Peyton. What happened to you. Why do you have a bruise on your face and why is your sleeve covered in blood?"

I can't say anything. I just cry harder and put my head to my knees. Not able to tell them about what my dad did before dinner yesterday.

"Let's get you cleaned up and then we can talk okay?" Ashlyn asks.

All I do is nod. Kelley walks over to us and places her right hand on my back and her left arm under my legs. I wrap my arms around her neck. Holding on like my life depends on her. She carries me bridal style to the bathroom and sits me on the counter. It takes me a few seconds to let go of her.

Kelley slowly lifts the hem of my shirt up, but stops to ask for permission. Refusing to make eye contact I slowly nod my head. I still have bruises on my side but they're almost completely faded by now. But my arms are scarred. The cuts from yesterday were pretty deep and they must have opened when I was asleep.

Ash walks in with a first aid kit and sets it on the counter. Kelley and Ash are staring at me with worry and I hate it. I suddenly get insecure about my arms and stomach and try to cover up as much as possible.

"Hey it's okay" Kelley says as she holds my hands in hers.

I make eye contact with her and whisper "I'm sorry" so quietly that she probably didn't even hear it.

Ash finally speaks up after being silent for a while. "Aspen was right. You're hurting a lot more than I originally thought. When I was talking to her at the bar. She asked about you. I told her everything I know. She already knew that you were broken before I said anything. She wanted details though. I was going to talk to you last night after everyone left the room but you were already asleep. I should have talked to you sooner though. I'm the one that should be sorry not you. I broke the promise but Peyton. I know you're hurting. I know you're going through stuff. I'll be here for you from now on okay?" I nod my head. Tears continue to fall down my face. "I'm so sorry that you're in pain. But I'm glad Aspen patched you up last night as best as she could. But I think you need stitches." She says.

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