Back in LA

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Heading to LA makes me feel at home. Like I belong here. I might not have had a great home life here but yet I still love this city. Plus, Tyler and her family are here. So of course I get to see them and spend some time with them. At the dinner last month I asked Aspen if it's possible to have my high school team go to the game in San Diego and she said yes. So I get to see my old teammates and coach. I'm beyond happy.

As we got to the hotel Alex went up to the desk to get our room keys. As she was doing that Ash and I spotted some of the younger girls heading out to the pool. They saw us and waved. Lindsey walked over with Morgan and Mal.

"Hey! Are you guys going to join us?" Lindsey asked.

Ash was the one to speak up first of course. "Yeah. We're just gonna get our stuff up to our rooms and check in with Jill. We'll be down in a bit."

Before they walked away I spoke up. "Hey. Do you guys know if Jane is here yet."

"Umm I don't think so. I think Jill said something about her flight coming in after dinner."

I mumbled an okay and turned back to Ash. Alex came back with our room keys. The three of us walked up to our rooms to drop off our stuff and change to go swimming. Ash is rooming with Morgan and Alex is rooming with Kelley. I'm not sure who I'm rooming with.

We get to our floor and go to our respective rooms. I walk in and see someone's stuff on a bed. I casually walk over to the other and bed and put my stuff on it. I hear the door open and I turn to see Jane walk in. She looks up and smiles at me. I run at her and jump into her arms. She of course catches me and spins me around.

She sets me down but I keep my arms around her neck and she kept hers on my waist. We smiled at each other without breaking eye contact. With as cliche as this sounds I don't care. I could honestly get lost her beautiful blue eyes. They're so captivating. She slowly leaned down and I tilted my head up more so that our lips could meet. Right before they met though Jane's phone went off.

She pecked my lips real quick then pulled away from me with a sad smile. "What do you want?...Okay. We'll be down in five." She turned back to me and looked annoyed. I gave her confused look. "That was Ash. Jill wants a team meeting apparently. It should be quick though."

With that we headed downstairs to the conference room. Jill was standing in front of the chairs with a screen behind her. I spotted Ash and Kelley and we made our way to join them. I sat in between Ash and Jane. Jane casually had her arm behind my chair.

Once the rest of the team showed up Jill started speaking. Today the girls can pretty much do whatever they want. Training and practice however will be strict since they have a game this month. Denmark is supposed to be pretty good since Nadia Nadim is on the team. I zoned our everything else she said until she mentioned my name.

"And Peyton. I'd like for you to join us on training. I want to see how you'll do and see if you can hang. I won't push you to hard."

I just nodded my head and gave her a thumbs up. Jane smiled at me and Ash nudged my shoulder. I usually played goalie against the tougher teams but every other time I was a forward. I like being able to play different positions especially if goalie was one of them.

The meeting ended quickly and most of the girls wanted a pool day so that's exactly what we did. Everyone went up to their rooms to change. Jane and I walked up to our room together. She let me change in the bathroom while she changed in the room.

I put on my bikini and couldn't stop looking at my arms. Tears slowly flowed and at this moment I wanted Ashlyn by my side. I texted her right away saying that I needed her. As I wait I sit down with my back against the counter, my knees pulled up to my chest with my head resting on them.

I hear a knock on the door and I'm assuming Jane opened it. Then I hear knocking on the bathroom door and mumbling going on inside the room. I can't focus on what their saying with everything going on in my head. I suddenly here a door slam hard.

The Knocking on the bathroom door starts to become calmer and hear Ash start to speak. "Hey PK. It's me Ash. Can you open the door and talk to me please."

I get up, open the door, and jump into Ash's arms. She wraps her arms around me and leads us to the bed. She sits down cradling me in her arms as I hide my face in the crook of her neck. "You're okay love. I have you. You're okay. I promise." Ash whispers in my ear.

I lean my head back and smile sadly at her. I slowly get out of her arms and walk back into the bathroom. Ash is quick to follow with worry written all over her face. I grab my long sleeve that I was wearing earlier and slip it on. I see Ash release a deep breath that she was holding in. I walk past her and grab her hand leading her back to the bed.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" Ash asks holding one of my hands.

"I was changing into my bikini since Jane and I were going to go down to the pool like everyone else... But I looked in the mirror and I-I... Everything just hit me at once. I didn't know what to do... I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm always here for you and I'm glad you texted me." Ash said while bringing me into a hug. She pulled away and smiled at me handing me my phone. "You should Text Jane. She was very reluctant on leaving the room. I'm sure she's really worried about you right now." I took the phone and texted her.

P: hey. I'm sorry if I worried you. I'm okay though. Ash is here with me;
J: Hey. I'm really worried. Are you sure you're okay? Do you need me there? I just want to be there for you. I really do care about you;
P: thank you. Ash and I are gonna head out to get coffee right now. But I'll see you when we get back.

"So. Do you wanna go get coffee." I ask Ash.

She nods her head. I get up and put on a pair of Nike soccer pants. So this is what it's gonna be like being back in LA.

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