Leaving The Past Behind

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Here's the next chapter everyone. Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy.

Waking up the day after court, I felt relief. I felt relaxed and I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

Right now it's 12:00 noon and I'm at the hotel in Ashlyn's room. Ash is packing her things for the flight to Seattle tonight. It was supposed to be at 3pm but the flight got cancelled so we're taking Aspen's private jet. Apparently her family owns like 3 so that's insane.

Tyler is supposed to stop by at 12:30 so we can eat lunch and hang out before I leave. Who knows how long it's gonna be until I see her again. Thinking about leaving Tyler and her family makes me feel bad and really depressed. They were there for when my parents weren't. They let me stay the night at their place a lot and they would help me with how to spend the money my mom sent me every month.

There was a knock on the door and I decided to answer it thinking it was Tyler. When I answered it, Aspen stood in the doorway with Mal, Lindsay, Morgan and Rose behind her.

"Hey. I actually stopped by to ask you if you wanted to hang out with us. We're just go get fro yo and go to the beach one last time. Before we head to Seattle." Aspen offers.

"Sorry but I have plans with Tyler. We're supposed to get lunch and hangout since I don't know when I'll see her again. Thanks for the offer though."

"That makes sense. But the National team is gonna have two more games in October on the east coast. I think New Jersey on the 9th and Orlando on the 14th. That's in a little under two months. I can fly Tyler and her family out to visit and see one of the games. That's not a problem. I can even get them rooms at the same hotel that we're staying at.

What did she just offer? Is she serious. She would do that. She would fly them out probably in a private jet and most likely get amazing seats for what reason. Just so I can see my best friend. Why is Aspen so nice.

"I will definitely talk to her more about this. Probably later tod..." I didn't finish my sentence because Ashlyn shouted and cut me off.

"Hey Peyton? Have you seen my black long sleeve Umbro shirt?" She asked.

I look at Aspen and notice she's wearing. She puts her pointer finger to her lips in a hush way. So I reply with a no. Slightly chuckling. They said goodbye and took off. I close the door and tell Ash that Aspen was just wearing it. She cursed quietly and mumbled something about Aspen always stealing her stuff.

10 minuets later and there was another knock on the door. This time Ash opened it and Tyler walked in. She had a smile on her face but I knew it was fake. I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. Right before we left to lunch Ash handed me $150 dollars for lunch and any shopping me and Tyler would do. I hugged her and we took off.

Tyler was quiet on the way to the restaurant. I know that me leaving would be hard on her. I reached over the middle consul and grabbed her hand, resting it in my lap. I held her hand the rest of the way.

We arrived at Red Robbin and were seated at a booth. There was an awkward silence at first until the waitress took our order. I got a crispy chicken salad while Tyler got a garden burger.

"Can you please talk to me?" I ask her desperately.

"I don't know what to say. My best friend is leaving. We don't even know where you'll be. Either Seattle or Orlando. When will I see you again. In a year when they come back for one game? Believe me. I'm glad that you're away from your parents but I'll miss you" She says. Her eyes glossy.

"I'm gonna miss you too. And the next time you will see me will be when they play in Orlando on October 14th. Aspen said that she will fly you and your family out for the game."

"What? She would actually do that?" Tyler has a look of shock on her face.

I nod my head and smile at her. Tyler looks like she's actually happy now. Her smile seems real and that makes me smile quite big. Looks like she cheered up knowing that.

We continue to talk about how surreal everything is. We went from being fans to becoming friends with the national team. And now possibly a family. Ash and Megan spoke to Jill about me possibly training a little bit with the team during camp. She was reluctant at first but then Kelley actually seemed to help convince her that I'm good enough and keep up.

After lunch instead of going to the mall we decided to go to the park. It was nice having some one on one time with Tyler one last time before I move. As the time keeps passing by we realise that our time together is getting shorter. Finally we stop walking around the park and sit on the swings.

We've never spent this long without each other before. This is something that we never even thought would happen. It's new and I don't like it.  How am I going to live without my best friend by side at all times.

"What's going on in your head PK" Tyler aka as she looks over at me.

"We're going to be apart for so long and be so far away from each other for the first time ever. I'm going to miss not seeing you every day and hanging out at the park talking and playing soccer. I'm really gonna miss you" I reply with tears in my eyes.

"I'll miss you too. You're my best friend. I'll never find someone like you. And now we definitely have to go to the same college. Which ever one will take both of us we have to go to"

After crying and holding on to each other we finally had to leave. On the way back to the hotel I held her hand not wanting to leave her. Arriving at the hotel we noticed the staff loading bags onto the bus.

I saw Brad working on his camera and decided to walk up to him. "Hey Brad"

"Hey Peyton what's up?"

"Not much. How much time do we have left until we leave for the airport?" I ask

He checks his watch "about 25 minuets. Dawn and few girls took off to get food for the ride so when they get back. We're heading out."

I say thanks and walk with Tyler back to my room. The elevator took forever. When it finally came Aspen and Rose were getting off. We said and then we got on. My heart was racing and I felt tears threatening to spill thinking about having to say goodbye to Tyler. Walking into the room with Tyler behind me, I saw Ash packing up her back pack.

"Ready to head to Seattle?" She asks

"No. I don't want to leave Tyler. But I think a fresh start is something I need right now."

"Yeah it might be." She then looked at Tyler and spoke. "Depending on who Peyton decides to live with. Whenever there's a game that she's going to be at and you have a few days off from school. Let us know. Because the NWSL starts up again in March. But national team play is almost every month. We can get you tickets and plane ride and a room at the hotel. Completely free. And by we I mean Aspen. But she won't mind."

Tyler just nodded. Really thinking about what Ash just said. Not even a minute later Ash got a text saying that we have to meet at the buses to head to the airport. The three of us meet Ali and Megan at the elevators.

Walking out to the buses was very nerve wracking. Everyone started walking on. I turned to Tyler and wrapped my arms around her neck. I'm not ready to leave her. We didn't say anything. Probably because if we did then our voice would crack. We both of tears in our eyes. Ash comes over and says it's time to go. Before We both pull away I whisper "I love you so much" in her ear. She does the same.

Ash wraps her arm around my shoulder and leads me to the bus. I get on first and head to where Megan is. I sit next to her and rest my head against her shoulder. She puts her hand on my knee and kisses my head. "You'll be okay. I promise" she whispered.

I never knew that leaving this place would hurt so much.

Well here is, the next chapter everyone. I hope you guys liked it. Thank you for the views, and votes. Please keep the comments and ideas coming. If you want Peyton to date someone let me know who. Whether it's Aspen or a certain player, just let me know. Thanks again for everything.

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