Stay or Go?

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Here's the next chapter. Vote at the end. I hope everyone likes it.

Tomorrow is the day that everyone else heads back home. Tyler and her family left yesterday along with a few players. I'm still kinda sad about that. One thing that I'm trying to decide is if I should stay in Orlando with Ash or if I should head back to Seattle with Megan.

Megan really wants me to stay with her. She has a room set up and everything for me. I do have clothes at her place too, but I don't know if I can handle being there. I know the wolves will be heading back but I don't know what to do.

Ash thinks it would be better if I stayed with her and Ali because of what happened. She was telling me that the guest room would be perfect for me. She even said that buying clothes won't be a problem but I don't know.

Right now everyone is hanging out down here by the pool. Some of the girls are racing and others are just hanging out on the side. A few are in the jacuzzi relaxing. Some are also trying to tan.

I'm just laying down on of the chairs trying to make a choice. I have my sunglasses and one of Tobin's hats on, and my eyes closed. I'm wearing a long sleeve swimming shirt and girls board shorts that Aspen gave me, with a purple bikini under neath.

Almost everyone here is just wearing a bikini with the exception of Ash and Aspen of course. The more they hang out with each other the more they look like twins. They have the exact same sense in style. There is nothing different about it. Especially since they both are wearing a light blue bikini top and light blue board shorts. They both always wear sunglasses too. Like right now. Yup. Both of them. They are always wearing snap backs too. Their hair is nearly styled the same way, but Aspen's is barely longer by like an inch.

Suddenly I hear foot steps coming towards me and then I feel cold water all over my body. "What the HELL!" I scream as I see Allie and Kelley with an empty bucket each.

I notice that they haven't been in the pool yet. So I slowly make my way towards them. I hug them both right away making sure to get them equally wet😉. I probably shouldn't haven't done that though. Because next thing I know; Kelley has me over her shoulder and I think she's walking towards the pool.

"Umm Kelley. You know I love you right. I'm sorry for hugging you and getting water on you. But you have to und..."

Before I could finish what I was saying; I felt my self go under water. "Thanks Kelley!" I say swimming over to the edge. Before I can pull myself out I feel arms wrap around me and pull me back into the water. I try to fight the person but she's stronger than me.

"Stop kicking and slapping me" I hear Jane say as she lets me go.

"I hate being grabbed!" I pout.

She giggles at my pout and says sorry. Then splashed me. I splash back and that's what we did for a good five minutes. After a while more people started showing up. I noticed that it was a few Canadians. Aspen goes up and talks to Christine about something. This can't be good. All of the Canadians go and huddle in the corner while Aspen gets all of us crowded at the stairs of the pool.

"Okay. So I was talking to Sinc and since we're both so competitive. I bet her that we could beat them at chicken fights. So I need 10 of you to partner up. So I need five pairs of two. Is that cool?"

We all nod and everyone that wants to participate picks a partner. I swam to the edge of the pool and pulled myself up. I sat with my legs hanging in the water. Jane swam over and joined me. The partners ended up being; Lindsey & Mal. Aspen & Ash. Allie &Kelley. Megan & Meghan. Julie & Christen.

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