Never Alone

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Jane's POV

As we arrive back at the house, Peyton is still out. I really hope she wakes up soon. I just want to hold her and let her know that she's safe. I want to be there for her. I want her to know that I'll always be there by her side especially after last night and today.

Ash carried her up stairs to the room that her and I are sharing. When she got downstairs Aspen started talking to us.

"This cannot be good" she mumbled to herself. "I really don't want her to wake up alone because i don't know what will be going on her mind. So I think we should take shifts in there. Just to make sure she feels safe when she wakes up. If you're in there with her then please stay awake until someone switches with you. Just text someone if you want to sleep."

We all agreed with that.

"I'll take first shift. If anyone wants to switch them that's fine." Ash said standing up.

Before she reached the stairs Aspen ran to her and talked to her real quick. They hugged each other for a while then parted so Ash could go upstairs. I sat in the chair just worrying about her.

Kelley went to hers and Aspen's room to shower. Tobin is sitting on the couch with Aspen's head lying in her lap. Ugh why did this have to happen to her.

Suddenly we hear a scratching at the door. Aspen shoots up from the couch; looking very alert. She slowly stalks towards the door and opens it. 2 wolves come running in. I'm assuming it's midnight because of his black and I'm assuming the other one was Hazel because she ran up the stairs right away. Piercing is probably with Greyson in the cottage that's 2 miles away. Grayson has been with his Nanny pretty much the whole time we've been here.

Midnight walks over to me and lays down at my feet. I reach down to pet him and he seems to like it.

"So Hazel just ran in there and is now laying right next to Peyton. But before she did that she snapped at me until I left the room." Ash says walking into the living room.

I can see the worry written all over Ash's face. Aspen let's out a frustrated sigh and goes up stairs. I thought last night was bad. Today is worse. Two panic attacks within the span of 12 hours. This cannot be good on her at all.

I get up and walk into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I sit on a stool at the island and just lay my head in my arm. I hear someone sit down next to me, so I look up and I see Ash.

"How're you holding up? And please be honest." She asks

"Okay. Honestly not good. I didn't want to tell anyone this but last night... Peyton woke up totally freaked out. I actually had to wake her up because she was sweaty and whimpering in her sleep. When she saw me... She had this look... The look of pure fear. She thought I was going to hurt her. But I was able to calm her down after a while. She even broke down in my arms. It broke my heart seeing her so vulnerable. And now it hurts more"

Ash was about to say something but the sound of snarls were heard from the next room. As soon as the snarls started, screaming quickly followed. It wasn't shocking to hear Aspen yelling at Hazel, then to actually see her throw Hazel out. Perfectly normal. Not.

"Okay now that Hazel won't be..." Aspen was quickly cut off when we heard a loud scream come from upstairs.

Everyone bolted upstairs to the bedroom that Peyton is in. I don't think that was a smart decision because once she saw us. All I saw was the look of total fear. Worse than in the middle of the night. Aspen tried to was lol towards her but was stopped by her yelling.

"Please don't hurt me. Stay where you are please." Peyton cried.

It broke my heart. I felt someone lean down and whisper in my ear "you helped her before. You can help her now."

Ash was able to get Tobin to follow her downstairs. Kelley is still in her's and Aspen's bedroom so it's just Aspen and I in the door way. I looked towards Peyton and I felt my heart crumble at the sight.

"Let me try and calm her down. Go downstairs and if I need help, I'll get you." I told Aspen.

Aspen reluctantly left. I closed the door as I entered the room and eased my way to the bed. I didn't sit down quite yet because I didn't want to startle her. She sitting against the headboard with the blankets covering her from head to toe.

"Peyton" I said calmly trying to get her to uncover her face. She doesn't so I decided to take a seat at the end of the bed. "Look Peyton... I know you're scared right now but you don't have to be. I'm here for you. I was there for you last night and I'm going to be here for you now. I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to" I said.

She slowly uncovered her face and her eyes were red and swollen. Tears were falling freely from her eyes. It tears me apart seeing her so fragile and broken. I just want to hold her in my arms right now but I know I have to make slow movements.

"I'm sorry" I heard her mumble.

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about"

She just shook her head and looked out the window. I moved forward a little so that I was sitting right in front of her. She's seemed to calm down a little. She's still slightly on edge but when I reached to make her face me; she didn't freak out. She slightly flinched but that was all. I apologized for that but she just looked down.

She brought her hand out from under the blanket and rested her head on them. I reached for one of her hands and held it for a while before I spoke. "I want... no. I need you to know that when I'm around... You don't ever have to feel alone. I will always be there for you. No matter what."

She made eye contact with me on her own this time. My heart broke more as new tears started to flow freely again. But what caught me off guard the most was her launching herself at me and breaking down in my arms again. Just like she did last night. I held her close to me not wanting to ever let go.

I laid myself down on the bed with Peyton clutching onto the long sleeve shirt I'm wearing. I have my right arm around her bringing her as close as possible. And with that we fell back to sleep

Hi everyone. Sorry this chapter might be a little shorter than the others. I've been busy with practices and a lot of school work. I hope you still enjoyed this chapter. Feed back and ideas are greatly appreciated. I should have the next chapter up by Wednesday and if not then on Saturday because I'll busy all day on Thursday and Friday. Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments. Love you all

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