New Home

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I'm sitting in a chair waiting for the flights to be called. Megan is on my left and Jane is on my right. I rest my head on Janes shoulder. Trying to cherish the time I have left with her. Kelley, Aspen and Lindsey are throwing candy at each other. They are such children. Emily and Allie are laughing at them of course.

The flight to LA is called so Christen, Tobin, Alex, and Aspen take off to their gate. After a half hour, flights to Seattle and Portland are called. I hug the girls that are going back to Portland and stand by Megan's side. We walk side by side to the gate.

"Well. Here it is. This is me leaving." Megan says trying to sound dramatic by stretching her words. I chuckle at her. "But seriously though. I'll miss you. I'll see you during January camp. Take care Peyton."

I hug Megan bye and watch as she walks through the terminal. I make my way towards Ash, Ali, Kelley and Jane. Everyone else is gone and now we wait for Jane and Kelley's flight to be called. I don't want them to leave but I know they have to. I especially don't want Jane to leave though.

"Jane! I just got a text saying our flight will be delayed for 4 hours." Kelley said from across us.

"Looks like we should go get something to eat then" Ash suggests.

The five of us headed to Ash's Jeep. Ash got in the drivers seat with Ali next to her of course. Jane, Kelley and I squeezed into the back with me in the middle. Ali had her phone hooked up to the aux cord and she was playing the Trolls soundtrack. Kelley being Kelley, knew every word and sang along to every song. It was quite amusing.

Ash pulled up to a nice restaurant by the beach. We walked in and it wasn't to crowded. Ash walked up to the hostess and talked to her real quick. She picked up five menus and we got a table outside on the deck. It was beautiful. We had a perfect view of the pier.

"So Peyton?" I looked up to see Ash with a smirk on her face. "Is there anything you'd like to tell us?" Ali smacked her arm. "What. Is what just a question"

"I don't know What you mean" I gulped

"Ok fine. Janey? Is there anything you'd like to tell us." Kelley pit her water out when Ash asked this question.

"Hold up hold up. What did I miss?" Kelley says shocked.

Jane and I both blush. I look out at the beach while she looks down at her hands in her lap. Ash and Ali pretty much already know. I guess Ash just wants confirmation. I'm not surprised about that. As I'm looking out I feel Jane intertwine our hands. I look up at her and smile.

"Damn. Now I'm the only one without a girlfriend" Kelley said looking at Jane and I.

I chuckle at that. "Don't you have Aspen?" I question.

"That's a little complicated." She says and her facial expression drops.

Good the thing the waitress came after she said that with our food. We ate and joked around. It's nice spending time with them. This is going to be my new family. I'm excited to have a chance at a normal life. I look at everyone around me and I feel happy. I feel comfortable. I feel like I finally belong in this world.
We finish eating and we still have three hours to spare.

"What do you guys wanna do. We still have time?" Ali asks.

"We should go to Seaworld" I suggest.

"That's a great idea. But like. Aspen would kill us" Ash says.

"Why? Seaworld is awesome."

"You should tell that to her... Wait don't. Because she will make you feel like shit" Jane says

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