Interesting Game day Pt 1

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I'm awoken by someone jumping on me and shouting.

"It's game day bitch!" Tyler screams at the top of her lungs. I look at the clock and it reads 8:30. We decided to skip school today since it's game day. And The game is in less than 12 hours. I get really excited and start jumping on the bed with.

"Oh my God. I thought someone was getting murdered" Tyler's dad says as he rushes into the room with a spatula in hand. "You girls already met a few players. Why are you so excited?" He asks.

"Because now we get to see them play duh" Tyler says with a matter of fact type of tone.

"Well breakfast is ready if you girls are hungry. Oh and why did you guys even make posters last night?" He asks.

"Because the girls thought it would be funny. Since one says 'Kel is the cutest Squirrel' and the other says 'Ash is the hottest Shark' It was all Tobin and Megan's idea. Kel and Ash have no idea we made them?"

"Okay well I'm gonna go eat breakfast feel free to join the normal people in the house" he says walking out the door.

Tyler jumps off the bed first and I jump on her back. "Onward trusty steed" I say and she just laughs as she walks downstairs into the kitchen. "Good morning" we greet to everyone in the kitchen. It's just Michael (Tyler's dad), Liz(Tyler's mom), and Jace, (Tyler's brother).

The breakfast looks and smells amazing. They have a waffle maker so I had a waffle, some bacon, and a scrambled egg. Tyler had the same except she had sausage instead.

After we finished Tyler helped me cover the bruise on my cheek. The cream that Aspen gave me helped a lot in just a couple of days. I can already see the difference. After that we went over the plan for when we get to the stadium. When we were going over it I got a text from Kelley. She gave me her number Sunday night. She texted ' Hey. We upgraded your tickets. You can get into the stadium 30 minutes before gates open and field access before and after the game. You can check in at will call and they'll give you a wristband. Just say that you're Kelley O'Hara's guests'

"Dude Kelley upgraded our tickets. Check it out" I said showing Tyler the text. I had the biggest smile on my face.

"You better text her back" Tyler said handing me the phone back.

I text her back 'thank you so much. You have no idea how thankful we are. We can't wait to see you girls win.'

She didn't respond back after that, but that's okay. I look at the time and see that it's only 1pm and the game starts at 7. We live about 45 minutes from the stadium depending on traffic. The gates to go in open at 6 and since we get to go in a half an hour early, We should leave here at 4:30 so that we can enjoy the atmosphere.

"We should leave at 4:30. What do you wanna do until then?" I ask Tyler.

"I don't know. We can just go to a cafe and then do something after." She suggests.

"Yeah coffee sounds good." I say.

We walk out the door letting Tyler's parents know where we're going. I'm constantly checking twitter and instagram. I check the uswnt instagram and see that they're just hanging out until they have to be at the stadium. Now that I've met a few of them I see everyone else on the team as regular people. It's weird. It's like they aren't that famous, at least not to me and Tyler.

"And we are here. Let's go" Tyler says as she parks the car.

We walk in and I take a seat while she orders the coffee. I see that Kelley posted on twitter that it's game day and asked who's coming. I respond 'me but I don't have someone's jersey to wear unfortunately' She nearly responds right away 'I've got you and Tyler covered. I'll meet you by the tunnel. Text me when you get inside' I just respond with a thumbs up.

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