New team

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Hi. I hope you like this chapter.

The bell rang and everyone was quick to leave the class. Allison waited for me and we walked to the girls locker room together. Aspen walked a little behind us. I'm assuming she doesn't want people to think anything or she's letting me make a new friend.

We reach the locker room and there's a few girls in gear already. Some are here for soccer and it looks like some are here for basketball. Soccer has there own little locker room separated from others and it looks like so does basketball. Allison takes me to coach Rae's so that I can get my locker. Thankfully it's right by her's.

I finish changing pretty quick. I look like a complete nerd with my Orlando warm ups on, Portland shin guards and blue pre wrap that matches JJ. I look in the mirror and I cant help but chuckle and think about how proud Ash and Ali are that I'm wearing this. And how proud Tobin would be, knowing that I have Thorns shin guards on underneath my Orlando socks.

"So I see you're an Orlando fan" Tiffany states looking me up and down. "That's pretty nerdy."

I look down at my outfit, cross my arms "Good to know that you noticed. Yeah. I'm pretty much a fan of all the NWSL teams. Sooo.... if that's a problem. You can just say so."

"Fine. Yeah it i-" before she could finish she got cut off by Allison.

"Yo. Chill. Just cus she's new. That doesn't mean you can treat her like shit and criticise every little she does. Or criticise how she dresses. So what she's a fan of Orlando. You are too. You're obsessed with Alex. You're just mad that you don't have the Orlando warm ups too"

Tiffany just stormed out of the locker room. Everyone followed since we have to be out on the field. Walking out I saw the coach with Aspen and Ali. Ami gave a small discrete wave to her and she smiled at me. I really want to give her a hug right now but I know I can't

We gathered in front of the three of them. Coach Rae spoke up. "Alright girls. We were lucky enough today to be visited by Ali. Now we have a new girl trying out today. Peyton can you please step up" I stepped forward in front of our group. "Okay. So I want to see if you can beat our main 4 defensive starters and score on our goalie. You will face off against them each one v one. Is that okay?" I nodded. Ali smirked at me and I returned it. "Awesome. Now everyone do a warm up lap. Aspen and Ali will lead stretches when you get back."

Most of the girls jogged together. I stayed in the back with Allison. I saw Tiffany start to speed up and so I did too. We were next to each other and she started to speed even more. So I did too. Eventually we end up sprinting the last half and I beat her. Coach slow clapped and smirked. The other girls were right behind us. Less out of breath than Tiffany and I.

Aspen and Ali led us in stretches. Mainly Ali. Because when we were balancing on one foot Aspen kept trying to push Ali over. Ali kept hitting Aspen each time. I love seeing this fun side of her. Sometimes she's to stern.

"Alright you clowns. Thanks for leading stretches. Now Hannah I want you in goal. Kaitlyn I want you at right back. Peyton try to get past Kaitlyn and score on Hannah." Coach said.

We nodded our heads. Aspen and I started at half field. Aspen kicked off to me and I was jogging towards Kaitlyn. Thanks to spending time with Tobin. She taught me a thing or two on how to nutmeg people perfectly. So I was able to do just that and score in the bottom right corner.

"That was very impressive Peyton." Ali says. "You must watch a lot of Tobin Heath high lights."

I mumble with a smirk "Something like that."
She chuckles.

The next girl I was up against was a lot easier to get around. The third girl almost got he ball from me but I was able to keep possession and score in the upper right corner. The final girl was super tough. I was dancing with the ball most of the time just to keep the ball away. Finally I though. WWTD. 'What would Tobin do?' So I rainbow the ball over the defender and raced to get possession back. Hannah came at me and I chipped the ball over her and into the net it went. Some of the girls stared in shock and others had grins plastered on their faces.

"Welcome to the team!" Coach Rae shouted.

I had the biggest smile on my face. I already knew I was on the team but now I'm really on the team. Im glad. Coach handed me a jersey with the number 17 on it. To say I'm surprised is an understatement. Looks like Aspen did this.

"But coach!" A girl named Ashley shouted. "I'm number 17."

"Unless you can do everything that Peyton just did. You're now 20. Now suck it up." Coach said sternly.

The rest of practice was a breeze. We didn't do much. We took some shots, and dribbled between cones. That was pretty much it. I noticed that after practice some of the girls were being super clingy towards Aspen and Ali. Allison was around Aspen but they seemed chill with each other. I decided to walk over.

Aspen looked up at me. "Hey Peyton. I need you to pick a uswnt forward to be your mentor. Alex and Crystal are off limits."

"I'll take Christen." I smirked.

"Smart choice. Some of the girls here are intense talex shippers. I like your choice. Mainly because I miss her when she's not here with the rest." Aspen says smiling.

Slowly people started to leave. Coach Rae asked me to stay later. She said it's so I could show her some more one on one skills. And so she can teach me more about this team. But she only said that in front of the others. I knew the real reason. So that I can leave with Ali and Aspen and not get questioned.

Allison was the last one left. She looked like she was ready to leave but like no one was in their way. Aspen walked over to her. And they started talking. Allison dropped her bag and hugged Aspen. I hope she's okay. Aspen wrapped her arms around her protectively.

I stood by with Ali and Coach. Ali was talking about how Ash is going to make dinner. And if she fails then she has to take us out to an expensive dinner. She better not fail. I just want to go home and rest for the rest of the night.

I look back to Aspen and Allison. I see Aspen pick up Allison's bag and walk over to us. "Hey I'm gonna give Allison a ride home. I'll swing by the house after the basketball game. See ya."

Aspen walks back to where Allison was and drapes her arm over her shoulder. They walk off to what I'm assuming is Aspen's Jeep. Once they're gone, Ali pulls me into a hug. She doesn't like hugs.

"I'm so proud of you. You were amazing. I had Aspen record you with my phone and you were amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a call or email from a U-20 coach soon. Tobin will be so proud too. She'll take all the credit though." Awe. Ali is proud. "Now let's get home so we can tell Ash about how great you were today.

New team. New life. New fiends. New enemies

Hey everyone. Sorry I suck at updating. I've been talking to this girl for a few months. And now we're official. And All we do is FaceTime and I've been horrible at updating. I'm really sorry. I'll try to start updating more.

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