Visitor From The Past

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Trigger warning at the beginning. just a heads up. Anything in Italics will slightly mention the start of sexual assault. If this makes you uncomfortable or might be a trigger then please skip the italics.

2 days after they arrived. Just a heads up.

"I told you to be home by 5 o'clock because we were having guest!" He screamed at me.

All I could do was stand there frozen. He's drunk and my uncle was sitting on the couch letting this unfold. He watched in entertainment. As my father stalked towards me all I could do is slowly back up until my back hit the wall.

I close my eyes real quick and try to slow my breathing. It isn't working. When I open my eyes I see both my father and uncle in front of me with sly smiles on their faces. The alcohol is evident in their voices. I try not listen to them but that does nothing but anger them more.

My uncle raises his right hand and I feel a sting on my left cheek. My father puts his hands on my shoulders and throws me to the ground. My uncle was quick to straddle me and pin my wrists down.

"We're gonna have some fun. Okay?" He asks.

To which I scream at him to get off. "Please. Don't. Please" I start to cry.

My father walks over with his belt in his hand. He's quick to tie my hands and my uncle is quick to drag me upstairs into the closest bedroom which is the guest room. He throws me onto the bed and I land on my stomach. I suddenly feel my pants being  yanked down and I'm turned over onto my back. I see my uncle with his pants off. I try to back up more away from him.

"Peyton!" I feel my self being shook. "Peyton please wake up!"

I open my eyes and I feel my whole body shaking and I notice I'm crying. I look around the room and I see someone now sitting at the end of the bed. That startled me and I back up more against the head board. I put my head in my hands.

"Please don't hurt me! Please stop! Why are you doing this!" I keep screaming.

The person slowly approaches me. They remove my hands from my face. "Peyton" she says softly. "Please open your eyes" I shake my head vigorously. "Hey Hey Hey. It's just me. It's Jane. You know me. I'd never hurt you. Please open your eyes. Please trust me. I just want to help you."

I look up and I see Jane sitting in front of me with worry written all over her face. Tears are still falling from my eyes and I notice hers are slightly glossy. She pulls me into her and I just cry even more. She rubs my back and I cry into the crook of her neck. She's rocking us back and forth trying to calm me down.

"It's okay. I'm here. I've got you. It was only a nightmare. You're okay" she says while rocking me and rubbing my back.

I pull my head away and look up to her. I shake my head and whisper "it wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory...Something that happened to me before. I relived the worst thing that ever happened to me. But before things got to far you woke me up. So thank you for that"

She looked me in the eyes and brushed my hair away from my face. "I'm sorry that you had to relive that. I don't know what it was. But I'm here if you ever want to talk about it. I don't want you to keep it to yourself. I'm always here for you."

I smiled slightly. And whispered "thank you"

"Now why don't we get some sleep. I won't go anywhere." Jane said lying us both down.

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