Breakfast Surprise

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Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. It might be a little confusing but it'll make more sense later in the story. Let me know what you think please.

Landing in Seattle was a different feeling. The atmosphere was new and somewhat familiar. Seattle isn't that far from the beach so that's the familiarity that I felt, but everything else was new.

On the bus Jill was assigning roommates.

Peyton and Megan
Ashlyn and Abby
Tobin and Morgan
Allie and Rose
Mal and Alyssa
Christen and Lindsey
Jane and Crystal
Julie and Sam
Casey and Lynn
Alex and Ali
Becky and Carli
Kelley and Aspen and Greyson

Nobody really complained about who they were rooming with. Even though I know that half of these girls don't really hang out with their new roommates like ever. I guess everyone on the team is actually okay with one another. The staff are lucky though. They get to room with whoever they want.

We arrived at the hotel kinda late at 10:30pm. Everyone helped unload the bus and went up to the room to change and sleep.

*beep beep beep

"Turn it off!" Megan yelled tiredly.

"It's your phone." I yelled back.

She turned her phone off and got up to go to the bathroom. It was 9am and we're having a later breakfast than usual. Today the team is only supposed to have a light work out session in the gym at around 2.

When Megan is done in the bathroom I head in and get dressed. I grabbed a hoodie that Ash gave me and a pair of black pants that are mine. I grabbed a hair tie from my bag and put my hair up.

"Megan I'm so tired" I whined walking out of the bathroom.

"Do you want me to carry you down to breakfast?" She asked in a teasing way. I nodded my head and said yeah in the most childish way possible.

She chuckled and opened the door for me. I walk out and she followed. I stopped to tie my shoe and one of the doors opened and Ash came out. Megan and her talk while Megan has her back to me. Since I'm to lazy and tired to walk I jump on her back.

"Woah! I was not expecting that!" Megan yells

"I know." I respond. Ash chucked at us. "Now let's go. I'm hungry"

"Yes ma'am"

Even in the elevator I stayed on her back. Walking into the breakfast room was funny. Everyone looked at us and were not surprised. Apparently stuff like this is very normal.

I got off of Megan's back and got a plate to serve myself. I was trying to decide where to sit until Mal called me over to sit with her, Rose, Jane, Lindsey and Morgan. These girls are so funny. It's really easy to relate to these girls probably cause they're the young ones on the team.

"Alright can I get everyone's attention please" Jill shouted. "So the game against New Zealand is in 4 days. I was very impressed with everyone's perf..." she was cut off by three huge ass wolves running into the room.

Half of the girls screamed and were terrified, including me. The staff seemed to be calm except for Jill. The biggest wolf was black, the other one was a beautiful white like snow, that one seemed to corner Jill ,and the other one was slightly smaller but still huge and it was grey. The black and grey ones were snarling at us.

I looked around at everyone and the majority of people actually seemed calm. Some had smiles on their faces and looked like they were trying to hold in a laugh. What is wrong with them. These wolves looked vicious. Like they could tear anyone apart. They were snarling and barking at us.

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