It's On Now Canada

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Hi people. Sorry it's been a while. I've been studying for my finals. And I've had so much homework these past few weeks. I haven't really had time to write. But here is the next chapter. I hope you like it.

Waking up early on games is stupid unless it's an early game. And today. It's a late game. Why do I have to wake up? What time is it? Oh that's right. It's 3:30am. The only reason why I'm up is because a few of us are heading out to the stadium to mess with Canada's locker room. Someone banged on our door really loud. Gee I wonder who that could be.

"Ladies hurry your asses up. Megan and Jane just finished loading van numero uno... And" Aspen was cut off by Ashlyn opening the door aggressively. "Well then" she scoffed. "Are you guys ready. It's already 4 and we have to go over the plans one more time before we head out at 4:30."

"I'm ready. Let me just get my shoes on" I said grabbing my shoes.

I slip them on real quick and beg Ash to carry me to Aspen's room. We walk in and see everyone crowding around a paper on Aspen's bed. By everyone I mean Tobin, Christen, Kelley, Emily, both Meg(h)ans, Jane and shockingly Becky too.

"Wait hold up. Becky. You like pranking people?" I ask not believing this.

"Oh yeah. Us and Canada have always been friends and enemies. It's always been fun pranking the girls. It was even better when KK was still on the team. She made pranking better, and she was just great over all" Becky responded with a smile on her face. I still can't believe this.

"Okay is everyone ready?" Aspen asked as we all nodded. "Okay good. Just to go over everyone's roles one more time. Kling and Pinoe. You guys will be on spray paint duty. Only tag the tunnel, locker rooms and all over their benches. Tobin and Ash, your jobs are to loosen the screws on everything in there, lockers, benches, chairs, doors, and anything. Christen you're on super glue duty. The stuff I bought will be extremely sticky. And will burn your bare skin So use gloves just in case. It stays sticky. But after two hours of sitting it won't burn your skin, put it on anything you want or think they will place stuff. So handles, toilet seats, the wall, literally anything. Kel, Becky, Jane, and Sonnett you two will be placing the insult posters all over the stadium and tunnel. Does everyone know what there job is." She didn't say my name. So I raise my hand.

"Umm what am I supposed to do?" I ask nervously.

"This is your first time really pranking a team. Yes you and Tyler helped me with Australia. But this is more of a personal thing between the players. So whenever anyone asks for help you can help them. Or if you have an idea of what we can do that would be great too" Aspen says.

I just nod my head. I'm okay with that. After that everyone heads down and gets into the vans. Both Meg(h)ans, Becky and Emily will drive van one which has everything that the girls will need. While the rest of us piled into another van.

We arrived at the stadium fairly quick. Considering it's way to early in the morning and everyone is still asleep, so no one was on the road. Both vans parked next to each other and Megan immediately started unloading her van with the help of Ash and Becky. Aspen went to let the security know that we are here, so that nobody gets stopped or questioned.

I mainly stick by Kelley's side. I haven't really hung out with her much but we get along great. With Aspen still gone everyone grabs the bags with their names and heads to the gates. Kelley is holding her bag with her left hand and slings her right arm around my shoulder.

We meet Aspen at the gate and she smiles at me then smirks at everyone else. "Alright everyone knows what to do. Let's do it" Everyone goes in separate directions as I stick by Aspens side.

"So what are you going to do to contribute to the pranks?" I ask curiously.

"I plan on speaking to the announcers and having them announce names differently. Like names that will embarrass and annoy the players. Then when the dj arrives I plan on speaking to her. Change up a few songs. Getting fans to participate in a chant that will 100% annoy Christine. So that's what I'm going to do." She responds with a sly smirk on her face.

It took everyone a little over an hour to finish everything up. The posters took the longest. Ash and Tobin were the first ones done. I hung out in the locker room mainly. Trying not to get in anyone's way. Once everyone loaded the vans back up we headed back to the hotel in time for breakfast.

Time skip:

We got back to the stadium at 5:45. Aspen wanted to arrive earlier than usual just so she can speak to the announcer and dj. She also set some cameras up all over the place to get Canada's reaction along with the fans at the stadium.

The girls head into their locker room while Aspen and I find Sinclair/Thorns fans that will help with chants and posters. We get to the field and go straight to the seats right behind Canada. Aspen is holding specific posters for Christine. We walk up to a row filled with young teenagers.

"Hi. Do you 5 mind holding posters for Christine Sinclair. I see that you're USA fans. But I want to annoy her." Aspen says.

The one in the middle. Who seems like the leader speaks up. "What's written are the posters?"

"Do you know the chant that the Riveters made for her? The Thorns fans I guess you could say." Aspen responds as they all nod. "Great well that's what's written on these posters. And I have five. On one poster it reads 'OH SINCY' the second and third both read 'YOURE SO FINE' the fourth reads 'YOU BLOW MY MIND' and the last one reads 'HEY SINCY'. So when altogether it'll be oh sincy. You're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Sincy. Just like the song. So are you girls up for it?" They nod their heads. "Awesome. And here are cards. You can only use these on the food stands and get free food with these. Thanks for helping us out" Aspen says dragging me away before the girls can say anything.

Aspen and I walked over to the locker rooms and right when we turned the corner we heard multiple screams. We quickly hid behind the corner and peeked our heads out. I couldn't help but to laugh as some of the girls were actually angry. Most of the veterans were laughing along with all of the staff.

"Alright so I'm gonna go talk to the announcers and the dj. But we'll go through the field to get to our locker room." Aspen said as she quickly led the way.

I walked into the locker room and everyone was laughing and talking about Canada. I saw Kelley and Jane talking so I decided to walk over to them. Jane had her hand in her pocket so I decided to link arms with her.

After a while some of the trainers went out to field to set up some stuff for warm ups. I decided to go out and help Dawn. Canada came out first and a few fans were cheering for them. I walked over to the benches and waved to a few Canadian players. The girls that Aspen and I talked to were holding up the posters and fangirling like crazy for Sinc.

Music started playing and the US came out. I just hung out on the benches. The announcer was talking about both teams until he got cut off by Aspen taking over.

"Ladies, gentlemen, children, and non binaries. Listen up please. This next player hails from Canada. Has 169 international goals" every is staring and Sinclair and she is not amused. "Is the only person on Canada's current roster that can say she has beat the USA before. She is the Canadian GOAT. Needs to play for the US, but refuses to. Plays for Portland Thorns. If you haven't guessed her name yet. She is my homie. Christine Margaret Sinclair. Everyone clap and cheer now" the stadium erupts in applause for her. I look over and see her shaking her head with her hands on her hips. "Now DJ. Hit it!!!" Aspen shouts into the mic.

I listen to the song and it's the Hey mickey song. Except instead of it saying mickey. I can here Aspen's voice singing Sincy. Everyone got the hint and started singing Sincy as well.

After everyone was done with warm ups the teams were introduced and the game was ready to begin. Alyssa started for goal so I sat in between Ash and Jane on the benches. This game was not pretty at all. So many fouls were not called. This is supposed to be a friendly game but there is nothing friendly about it.

Hi guys. This might be my last chapter depending on what happens with Net neutrality. I hope you liked it. I appreciate every single one of you that reads this story, votes and or comments as well. I love you all. Thank you.

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