He's Finally Gone

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Alright here's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think at the end. Thank you

I follow Aspen outside and I'm frozen in my place. How can someone have so many expensive cars. She has 2 Porsches, 2 Cadillac, 1 Mercedes Benz, and a Jaguar. I don't even know what year or model these cars are but they look really new. That's not the only amazing thing. This is practically a mansion with a fountain and pond in the front. And a beautiful scenery of the Hollywood hills.

"Awe so you like the cars?" Aspen asks. I just nod my head.

"Yeah they're so beautiful"

"Pick which one you want to ride in"

I look at her then at the cars. Then back at her. She give me a nod to the cars. I walk over to them and take a look at every detail. The metallic blue Porsche seems to be calling out my name because I go straight for it.

"Nice choice. That's a 2017 Porsche 928. It's my new favourite car that my sister got me 3 months ago. I've only driven it about 5 times. You ready to go?"

I nod my head yes. Aspen unlocks the car and we both get in. The car ride so far is pretty quiet except for the sound of Aspens music playing. She connected her phone to the car and is playing some good music.

"Look Peyton. I know that you're going through some things right now. But I want you to know that you can trust me. You can trust Ashlyn and Megan as well. They're extremely worried about you right now. If you need any type of help let me know. Because I can promise you that I can get you any type of help that you need. No matter what it is." Aspen says with a very smooth and understanding voice.

I look out the car window and sigh. "Unless you can get someone arrested and help me get emancipated because my mom is leaving, I doubt you could help.

"So I'm assuming it's your dad that you want locked up. I can do that but it'll take some time.  When is your mom leaving?"

I turn to look at Aspen and see she's gripping the steering wheel a little to tight. Her knuckles are really white. "I think she's leaving next week." I say as I turn to look back out the car window.

The beach is coming into view. I can see the pier and the rides from here. Aspen Parks the car near the pier. We both get out and start walking along. Trying to find some of the girls.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I ask Aspen. She looks at me and nods her head yes. "Are there relationships in the teams. Like are there players dating each other?"

She smirks that beautiful smirk of hers. "Why don't you ask them?" She says and nods towards Ash and Megan.

Once they see us they come running. Megan gets to me first and nearly knocks me down. She squeezed me so hard. Once she pulled away Ashlyn had her arms wrapped around my waste picking me up off the ground and spinning me around.

"You have no idea how worried we were. When Aspen called me last night I was so happy that you were okay. I was ready to stay longer to make sure that you are okay." Ashlyn said with her arm wrapped around my shoulder now.

"I'm sorry. I just wasn't in the mood to talk." I respond with my head down.

We decided to get wristbands and ride some of the rides. A few of the girls joined us later on. Morgan brought Greyson over to Aspen. I guess he was with the girls last night. Tobin, Christen, Alex, Meghan, Ali and Allie accompanied us to an early dinner/late lunch at Bubba Gumps at around 3. It was nice hanging out with the girls.

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