First Game

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It's Friday and today is my first game with my new team. Today is also the national teams last day here until they leave for their first game in the She believes cup. Lucky for us Jill is letting them come. Which means Jane will be at the game cheering me on as I sit on the bench.

I haven't practiced much with the girls since I was gone for a week. And we didn't have that much training this week since the girls spent time with us and we played games. But who knows. Maybe I will get a few minutes in.

I finish brushing my hair and I hear a knock on the door. I go over and open it. Ali walks in and sits on my bed. "You excited for your game today?"

"Yeah I guess. I probably won't even play though." I say putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Trust me. You'll play. Coach Rae likes you and you're a great soccer player. You've practiced with us and I've seen you score on Ashlyn." She winks at the last part of her statement. "Now let's go."

We walked out to the car with my backpack on my back and my Nike soccer bag in my hand. I got in and didn't even bother playing my music. The car ride felt like it took forever. But really it was 15 minuets. Ali dropped me off and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Walking through the gates was the first time I checked my Snapchat and saw snaps from a lot of the girls. I opened them up and everyone was super sweet and supportive.

Good luck today baby!!! I look forward to seeing you score. You'll do great!!! 😘

Jane is so cute. I'm glad she's gonna be at the game, but I'm really nervous. I don't want to mess up and have my teammates hate me. Or worse Jill might see me mess up and never call me into camp ever. That would be a nightmare.

The bell rings as I'm texting everyone back 'thanks' and other stuff. I walk into class, sitting next to Allison seeing her with a smile on her face looking down at her phone. I nudge her and smirk. She blushes and puts her phone in her back pocket. I'm gonna assume she was texting Rose. I look up at the front to see the teacher speak and I lean back in my chair.

Halfway through the lesson I feel my phone vibrate. Ugh. I hate this. I look to see a few texts from Allison, Jane and Rose. I open up the messages and see that it's a group chat. It's just Jane and Rose wishing us luck for today's game. They're so cute. Allison and I turn to each other and smile with a blush. I shake my head and turn my attention back on the teacher.

•End of school•

The final bell rang about five minutes ago. I'm chilling in the training room waiting for Aspen to finish taping a track player's ankle. I decide to fill up my hydro flask with ice and water.

"Alright. Ready to head to the locker room?" Aspen asks.

I nod my head and follow her out the door. I'm kinda nervous for the game today and I think Aspen and can tell. She throws her arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to her. I'm so grateful for her. She always seems to know when I need someone to cheer me up.

We reach the locker room and everyone is dancing while Coach Rae plays music. I head over to Allison since she's chilling in her locker on her phone. I sit on the chair in front of her and she didn't notice me. So I took her phone.

"Hey. Give it back"

"No" I look at who she was texting. The name at the top said wifey. "Oh is this who I think it is." She blushes at my comment. I decide to call Rose to see if she'd answer.

On the third ring she picked up. "Hey baby!"

"Rose. If Jane heard you call me that. She would actually beat you up"

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