USA V. France

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"Hey Peyton. You ready to see the U.S play France" Ashley asks sitting across from me at breakfast.

"Yeah I'm excited. I have faith that the girls will play well. What about you?"

"Oh yeah I'm ready. I'm excited to see Mal. It's been a while." She says smiling.

We continue eating and Ashley glances at me and smiles so often. It's a little weird. I look around the room and notice Aspen serving herself a plate of food and walking over to a table with the staff. I hear giggling coming from that table and spot Greyson sitting in one of the chairs.

"Hey Peyton." Ashley says snapping her fingers in my face. "We're you listening to what I said"

"No sorry." I got up from my seat. "I'll talk to you later." I saw walking away towards the staff table.

"Peyton!!" Greyson shouts.

I pick him and take a seat where he was sitting. He had some fruit on his plate and I picked up a strawberry. I handed it to him and he took it right away. He picked up an Apple slice and handed it to me.

"Why thank you buddy" I say and take a bite from the fruit.

"He really likes you. It's cute" Aspen said smiling at us.

I smiled back and turned my attention to the small boy in my arms. Shortly after that coach stood up and said that we need to get on the bus. A lot of the girls were excited to see the team play. Many have met the players already so that's cool.

I follow everyone out to the bus and hand Greyson back to Aspen. I find an empty and quickly sit there. I haven't had the chance to talk to many of the players. Only my roommate and a few others.

"Can I sit here" I hear Ashley ask.

I nod my head she sits down. I plug my headphones in and play my music. Riptide came on first and I relaxed right away. Ash didn't try to make conversation with me this time and I'm very grateful for that. I like her, she's cool. But I'm not used to making new friends.

We reach the stadium quickly. The bus pulls up near the back where the National team bus is at. We enter the same way as they usually do but Aspen leads us somewhere else. We walked up some steps and down a hallway. Aspen opened a door and we were outside. I looked around and saw that we were inside the stadium where the food and small shops are.

"The gates don't open until another half hour. So you guys can get food and drinks or whatever you want. Nat and I need to help the girls in the locker room. Um... the coaches know where your seats are so yeah. We'll be there before the game starts. Any questions?" Aspen explains

As she was saying all that Ashley walked over to me and stood beside me. I looked at Aspen and gave her the 'help me look' and discreetly nodded to Ashley.

Nobody had any questions so everyone was ready to go their separate way. Before Ashley could say anything to me Aspen beat her to it as she walked up to us.

"Hey Peyton. I got a call from your coach and she said you were taking a sports medicine class at your high school. Do you want to come down and see how we tape the athletes or some stretches I have a few of them do?"

"Yeah sure. Sounds like fun." I say then turn to Ashley. "I'll talk to you later"

Aspen leads us through the all the seats and down to the field. We enter the tunnel and head towards the locker room. As soon as we enter Nat went straight towards Jane.

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