Interesting Game Day pt2

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This chapter was long overdue. I'm so sorry for that. I've been super busy with practices and school work. I'll try to update sooner next time

It's been 15 minutes since we've found our seats. There are so many young girls. So many people are wearing Alex Morgan and Carli Lloyd jersey's. It's kind of sad that the others aren't as appreciated.

"Hey do you want to check out the shops and see what food they have?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah sure. Maybe I can get a hat." I say getting up.

We walk into the small shop and it's kinda crowded. I walk around and find a hat with the us soccer logo and three stars above it. I grab it right away. Tyler comes towards me with a US soccer shirt. I don't have enough money to get both so I just get the hat.

Waiting in line is a pain in the ass. There's like 8 people in front of us. I'm looking around and I see a security guard walking towards us.

"Um excuse me, but you do realize that, that badge let's you cut in line and get anything in here for free right?" He says slight confused

"Wait seriously. Aspen mentioned that but I didn't think that she was serious." I said with a smile on my face.

"Yeah it's true. And im pretty sure you don't just want a hat. You can get everything here if you really wanted to and Aspen will take care of everything. Get more stuff. Her family is loaded. Don't be shy" he says walking away.

"Wait!" Tyler shouted. "Just. How loaded is she? And where does the money come from"

"Her uncle owns huge companies around the world. They're honestly probably the richest family in the world. They're very private and donate a lot. Every USWNT game there is. She finds fans in the area at hospitals that are sick and dying. She invites them to games and trainings all for free. And they get the badges that you're wearing. Along with field seats or suites. She does more. Don't be afraid to talk to her. She's been through so much and she's the sweetest person I know" he responds with so much respect in his voice.

"Wow. I didn't know that" I'm amazed at that.

"Yeah she keeps everything on the down low. She's a pretty closed off person but she has the biggest heart. I'll let you girls shop now. See you around" he says and walks out.

Tyler and I get a few more things. I get the hat, a scarf, and 2 shirts. Tyler gets a shirt, a different hat than mine and a foam finger. We walk straight up to the cash register and the lady was a little rude. But once we showed her our badge thing around our necks she apologized and rung everything up for us.

"Dude I want a pretzel." Tyler said poking my shoulder.

We get in line then we remember the badge. We walk up to the front and everyone around is super confused.

"Um excuse me but the back of the line is back there" a teenage girl said. She was wearing an Alex Morgan Jersey. She looks about 15.

"Yeah sorry but we're allowed to cut" Tyler shoots back.

This girl is getting a little angry. I didn't notice that she had two friends with her. They're getting pretty heated too.

The person behind the counter is trying to calm her down by clarifying the badge that we're wearing. That doesn't help at all. She just gets angrier.

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