Game Day with Old Friends

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Training the other day was very interesting. I've been to a few games already and I know how some fans can be. But my old teammates, when they met the whole national team, they were a mess. Some froze at first, some were speechless, some were okay and some even cried. It was very funny.

Jill had everyone split up by position. I used to play all over the field but since Jane is a keeper, I decided to be with the keepers. There were three of us so it worked out well. Before I left there was only 2 keepers really, me and one other person. After I left they moved a JV girl up to varsity. The midfielders had the most people with 7. The defenders had 6 and the forwards had 3 as well.

After practicing for a little bit we split into 4 teams and had small half field scrimmages. I was the goalie for my team which means I wasn't on the same team as Jane. That made me a little sad but that just made the game against each other more fun.

That day was fun even if my team lost. But that was only because they had Carli and I've heard stories about how painful it is to try and stop her shots. I wasn't even going to try.

But now I'm sitting on a bus next to Tyler with my old teammates that can't stop freaking out. Some of them even made posters. That's pretty cool but like some of the posters I wasn't a fan of. Mainly because Mackenzie made a poster claiming Christen and Sarah made a poster for Jane that said "Jane! You're so hot!" If anything I should hold that poster.

"So Peyton. You excited to be at another soccer game?" Tyler asked me with a smirk.

"Oh totally. Especially since Some of these girls have flirty posters." I said sarcastically.

We chuckled and looked around the bus at everyone else. It's nice being with them again. Bus rides with them are what I miss the most. I think everyone can agree that bus rides with teammates can be the most fun.

"Hey look. We're here!!" Brianna shouted pointing out the window.

I text Aspen to let her know that we're here. She responds saying that she will meet us at the bus and show us around. I don't know why but I'm so excited. I'm kinda sad that I wont get to see and talk to the girls before the game though.

I look out the window and see Aspen talking to someone. Or yelling. Yeah she's definitely yelling. She points in the opposite direction and the person leaves. She looks up and we lock eyes, she smirks and shakes her head. Next thing I know she's on the bus giving us directions.

"Hello again everyone. I have wristbands for all of you. Now you can't cut in line. But these wristbands grant you free food and drinks from anywhere inside the stadium. Just show them be band. And don't wander. They don't grant you access to the locker rooms. You're still restricted like every other fan. Alright. Now as you each get off the bus I'll put one on you. Then I'll show you to your seats."

With that everyone got off the bus one by one. Tyler and I were the last ones since we sat in the way back. It was funny though. Because when Brittany stepped off the bus she pretended to trip and land in Aspen's arms. I don't even think Aspen really acknowledges her after she put the wristband on her. Oh well. Poor Brittany. She's a hoe anyway.

Right before Tyler stepped out of the bus she faced me and fell backwards into Aspen's arms. "My knight in shining armor!" She squealed. Everyone chuckled and Brittany shot daggers at them. I stepped down and linked arms with Aspen.

There were quite a few fans here already. I saw quite a few Alex jerseys which wasn't a surprise. I mean she is from SoCal so that's understandable. But like so am I, but I'm representing my girlfriend. Tyler was being cute and she had on a Christen Press jersey. Nerd.

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