One More Night

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Today is the day everyone is leaving and I'm really gonna miss everyone. I'm really going to miss Ash, Tobin, Kelley Allie and especially Jane. I'm going to miss the others as well but I'm going to miss them more.

Everyone that has a later flight decided to go to Denny's for breakfast. So that's where half of us are heading to. I'm in the car right now with Megan, Ash, Allie, and Tobin. With Megan driving. Aspen came back in the middle of the night around 2am. Kelley was pretty upset.

"Okay so Aspen just texted me saying that her and Kelley got a table for 15 Apparently it's gonna be the 3 Orlando girls so me, Alex and Ali. The three Portland girls, Tobin, Allie, and Lindsey. Christen too. Then Megan and Kelley obviously. And Jane. That should be it since everyone else has to be at the airport in an hour." Ash says.

That comes out to 14 people total I think. I don't really know I'm horrible with math and it's only 9am. I'm exhausted.

When we get to Denny's I noticed that we were the last ones to arrive. I decided to sit next to Jane and Ash sat next to me. Greyson was sitting at the and of the table with a little booster seat. Jane and Aspen sat across from each other near Greyson.

Our waitress came and took our orders. She started on the other side of the table and worked her way down to us. I got just got an omelette while pretty much everyone else got a build your own grand slam.

"And what about you little dude. What would you like." She asked Greyson while bending down to his height.

"Waffle!! Wit lots of bacon pease" he responded cheerfully.

"Sure thing." She smiled standing up. "Does anyone need anything else?" She asks.

Everyone shook theirs heads no or mumbled a no. I looked over at Greyson and he's the cutest thing ever. Jane and him are coloring and playing tic tac toe. She let him win every time.

Suddenly my phone was going off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Tyler was FaceTiming me. Ash quickly grabbed it and answer it. 

"PK why haven't I... oh hey Ash. Is Peyton there. I need to yell at her for not texting or calling me regularly for the past 2 days." Tyler says.

"Yeah she's here. Don't be to hard on her" Ash says handing me the phone.

"Oh hey Peyton. Thanks for calling or texting 2 time a day for the past 2 days. I really appreciate it" she says sarcastically

"Wow Tyler I'm sorry that I've been really tired and busy for the past 2 days" I say sarcastically back. "Anything else you want to say because I'm kinda at breakfast with a few people"

"No but you better Snapchat me more."

"I Snapchat you more than I call and text you"

"So. I'll let you go now. Enjoy your food and new friends. Don't forget me I love and miss you"

"Awe. Tyler. You can never be replaced, just so you know. I love and miss you too" and with that we hung up.

I was a little sad after that conversation. I really miss her. I lay my head on Ashlyn's shoulder and she gives my hand a squeeze. Everyone was talking waiting for their food.

"Hey Sammy what brings you here. Don't you have a plane to catch." Jane asks as Sammy approaches the table.

"The flight got delayed. Is okay if I join you guys for breakfast?" She replied

"Yeah sure. Where are the other NC girls?" Aspen asks

"Oh you know how they feel around you. You make them nervous. They feel like you hate them." Sam says pulling up a chair next to Lindsey.

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