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Hi everyone. I decided to make it a little different for this chapter by adding Aspen's POV. let me know if I should do this more often.

Aspen's POV

Today is Peyton's first game with the high school and she is very nervous. Ali texted me letting me know how Peyton is feeling and to keep and eye on her. I mean. I care about her so of course I'm gonna keep my eye on her. I always do. 

Before heading to the school I stop at the hotel and have breakfast with the team. They are all going to be at the game cheering on the team but really they're only going so they can cheer on Peyton and Allison.

I walk into the dining hall where they eat breakfast and I see Kelley, Ash, Tobin, Christen, and Allie sitting at one table. I flew Tobin in from Portland because she wanted to be at Peyton's first game. I go to each table saying hi to everyone. After I do my rounds I go up to omelette bar and the cook makes me and egg white omelette with bacon, black olive, chili seranos, and cheese. I grab my food and a small bottle of Martinelli apple juice and make my way to the table that Kelley is sitting at.

I immediately jump into their conversation about the games coming up against France, England, and Germany. "I feel like all games with be good. We should beat England. But Germany and France will be your toughest opponents" I say.

"I agree. But it also depends on who Jill will play in Goal and who she will have up top. And she better not do a three back. That would be an automatic loss" Ash comments.

We continue talking about the future matches. I notice Kelley isn't talking much. "Hey Kel. Can I talk to you? Maybe somewhere else." I ask hopeful.

She nods and I stand up. She follows me out the door and I lead her up to the roof. She walks to the edge and leans against the wall facing the ocean. I walk towards her standing next to her.

"What's going on in your pretty little head?" I ask

She cracks a smile and shakes her head without looking away from the view. "I kinda don't want to leave tomorrow. You won't be traveling with us and I don't know. It's always weird traveling without you"

I wrap my arms around her. "I'll always be here for you Kelley. Just text me or call me and I'll be on my way. I'll fly out in a heartbeat. If you really want me to leave with you guys tomorrow. Then I will. I'll always follow you"

"You still have business to take care of here. I know that. But I don't know anymore. I guess my feelings get the best of me. But like. I don't even know what I feel sometimes." She sniffles letting a few tears slip.

"I know. You're not the goofy teammate or person that people and media make you out to be. You struggle. And so do I."

She turns around and wraps her arms around me. I hold her right as her head rests against my chest. I'll never let go first. She knows that too. I rub her back a little bit and sway us slightly. She lifts her head from my chest and rests it on my shoulder. I kiss the side of her head and whisper sweet things in her ear.
She pulls away shortly after and I wipe away the tear streaks from her cheeks.

"What else is bothering you?" I ask. I know there's more.

She looks up from the ground. Looks me dead in the eyes and whispers something I'd never think she'd ever say. "You" comes out of her lips and my heart breaks. My eyes water a little bit. I stare at her in confusion. I think she noticed because she spoke up. "You treat me differently than the others. You treat me like a queen. You buy me random gifts like charms and flowers. You treat me like your girlfriend. But yet I'm not. You flirt with literally everyone. I go from feeling so important to feeling like I'm just like everyone else."

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