Agent who?

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Hi everyone. Here's the next chapter. I hope you like it

I finished my first week of school and it wasn't that bad. I'm pretty sure Tiffany hates me. But that's Okay because I'm friends with the other girls on the team. Allison is pretty great. She's secretive and closed off like me but if I didn't stay late after the first practice then I wouldn't know.

It's Saturday and it's 12 in the morning and I can't fall asleep. I'm scrolling through Instagram and checking out a bunch of fan accounts. Some fans are very creative and have a lot of talent. I'm debating whether or not I should follow any of them. I'm mostly thinking that I shouldn't.

I see that I have a new follower request from Alli.king. I'm not gonna accept yet. I have a few pics and videos of me and the girls and I really don't want her to be my friend because of that.

I check the time and see that it's already 1am. I hear talking downstairs. It sounds like Ash and Aspen. And another voice I don't really recognise. I creep down the hallway trying to hear the conversation better.

"Look. The team is getting death threats again. We need more security around you at all times again." The unrecognised voice said.

"We don't want any more security." Ash whisper yelled.

"Ash. Hear us out. Please." Begged Aspen. "You won't even know who's an agent and who isn't. You didn't know my sister and I were. It took having to get you girls into a safe house. For us to have to tell you who we really were. About 70% of the authority and working figures I talk to. Work for us. Trust me. When I say. You. Will not. Know. Who is. And who isn't. An Agent."

What are they talking about? Who's an Agent? An agent of What anyways? My life is so fucking complicated. What does Aspen even do. I swear if she works for the CIA, I want her to teach me how to fight. Wait. That would make so much sense. So many people know who she is. And so many people are afraid of her. She has so much power. But she's so young. How is this possible!

"Fine. Whatever. But I want you around Peyton at all times. Keep her safe. Take her wherever you go as long as it isn't dangerous. Ali and I really care about her. And I know Jane would fall apart if anything were to happen to her. So please. Pick her over any of us." Ash said as if she was giving up.

"I always will. Now I leave in a few hours to HQ. I don't know how my uncle will feel with me bringing along a civilian. So do you want me to still bring her?I mean she'll still be safe. But you know. Mind..." I think Aspen continued talking but I cant hear what she's saying.

I hear footsteps coming towards my direction. I race back to my room and jump under the covers in my bed. I hear my door creak open. I open my right eye very little so I could see who's at the door. I see Aspen and Ash peeking in, leaning against the door frame. They're whispering about something but I cant quite make out what their saying.

Aspen walks away and Ash closes the door while walking into the room. I shut my eyes immediately. Not wanting her to notice that they were open and that I was in fact awake. She sat down on the side of my bed. I feel her fingers brush through my hair softly. "She'll protect you" She whispered. And with that I fall asleep

I awake with the feeling of being shaken. "Peyton. I need you to get up and pack a few bags. Aspen is taking you on a trip"

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"It's 3:45. Aspen will be here in a bit. You guys have to leave at 4:30. The plane leaves at 5."

"Where are we going?" I ask while sitting up.

"It's a long story. But I'll see you in a bit. When she's done running errands." I go to say something but she doesn't let me. "Please don't ask anymore questions. Not until you're with Aspen." I nod my head at her words and get up and start packing.

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