U-20 Arrival

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I never knew that I would actually end up training with a youth national team while I'm still in high school. I expected maybe a call up If I were to play in college. But right now. I'm 17 and I'm at the airport with Ali waiting for my flight to be called. I'm heading off to New Jersey so the flight shouldn't be too bad. Plus the girls are there right now getting ready for their game against France which is tomorrow.

"So you nervous?" Ali asks me

I have my knee bouncing up and down as I'm sitting in my seat. "I've actually never felt more nervous." I respond nervously.

"You'll be fine. I remember my first call up. It was nerve wracking. But I had so much fun and met so many people. You'll do great. And don't tell anyone this. But tomorrow you'll be at the game."

"How do you know?"

"Aspen texted me last night. She's been with the youth girls since they started arriving. So like 4 days now. I guess coach wanted them to see a national team game while they are there but it's gonna be a surprise for the younger ones."

"Good thing I have both Kelley and Jane's Jerseys in one of my bags then." I say with a smirk then look at my phone and see a text from Aspen.

Aspen: hey. I'll be picking you up from the airport. So I'll be right out side of the plane when you land.

Me: okay cool. Thank you. Can't wait to see you and the girls. I miss Jane.

I turn my phone off and focus my attention on Ali who is sitting next to me. We talk for a little more. Her trying to calm my nerves as best as she could. It didn't do much because lately. Anxiety has been a bitch.

My flight was called and I had to get up. Ali helped me grab my bags and walked me to the gate. I hugged her right before I had to let go.

I slowly sat in my seat closest to the isle. I looked around and studied everyone around me. Making sure no one around me is acting suspicious. And I was also making sure I didn't spot anyone that I knew. After the incident in Seattle I always check my surroundings. I look in front of me and saw a semi familiar face.

"Hi" the woman said politely sitting next to me.

"Do I know you" I ask. "You look very familiar."

"Kinda. I'm Rachel. I work for Aspen and her family. I'm usually a flight attendant on the jet. But I'm gonna be visiting family in DC so she got me a ticket for this flight. I guess they needed the jet to stay in Orlando for business trips."

"That's cool" I said.

We continued talking a little bit. She told me more about Aspen. I guess I'll never stop learning more about her. There's so much I still need to learn about her and her family. Like for starters she is bffs with the Queen of England. So like that's something I didn't know before.

Learning more about her was nice. Although I wish it was Aspen telling me these things. Maybe one day she'll tell me more stories and more about her. I know a lot but I wish I knew more.

By the time we landed I was exhausted. Everyone took their turn exiting the plane. Rachel grabbed both of our bags from the over head compartment on the plane. We walked into the airport together and she helped find Aspen.

I spotted Aspen and once I saw her I ran and jumped in her arms. She caught me and spun me around before setting me down on my feet.

"How was the flight?" She asked

"It was okay. Rachel sat next to me so that was nice."

Aspen looked off in the distance and had a look of disappointment on her face. I look in the same direction and have no idea who she's looking at. That is until I see a woman holding my bag in her hand while talking to another woman. They seem to be laughing and it's clear that they were flirting. Does Aspen know them.

"Hey Nat." I hear Aspen shout. "Are you done flirting. We have to go!"

The person holding my bag walked over to us. She has platinum blonde hair that is slightly passed her shoulders. And piercing blue eyes that are beautiful. She's wearing a U.S soccer polo shirt and dark blue denim shorts. She looks stunning. She might be about 5'9. She looks tall.

"So you're the one that's dating my girlfriend. Nice to meet you. I'm Nat. I'm the Athletic Trainer for the U-23 and U-20 women's national team. So you might be stuck with me for a while." She said smugly.

After that the three of us walked to Aspen's car. Nat and Aspen our my bags in the car and I sat in the passenger seat. Aspen came over to the drivers side handing me the aux cord with a smile. Nat got in and saw me shuffling through my music.

"Hey not fair. I thought I get to play music" Nat said crossing her arms in the back seat.

"Oh well. Suck it up" Aspen said looking back at her and taking off.

It didn't take long to get to the hotel. I got out and tried to grab my bags but Nat beat me to it. "I'm gonna take these up to your room. Then I have to check on one of the players. I'll see you two at dinner" she said then walked inside the hotel.

"Come on. Your new teammates should still be at training. I'll take you to the hotel across the street to say hi to the old lady's you call the senior team." Aspen says leading me to the hotel.

We walk in and Aspen leads me to the 6th floor. She knocks on one of the doors and Ash opens it and smiles. She picks me up and spins me around. "I'm so happy you're here. I'm so proud of you kid. Come on. Jane's in the bathroom doing her hair. Go surprise her."

I walk in and knock on the bathroom door. She says to come in and so I do and close the door behind me. I see Jane looking in the mirror while straightening her hair. I notice she's just in a sports bra and pants. She looks to her left and sees me. She smiles and sets the flat iron on her counter. She slowly walks over to me and puts both her hand on either side of me against the door. I put my arms around her neck and pull her towards me and connect our lips.

We were disrupted by knocking on the door. "Hey love birds. Other girls on the team want to see Peyton too." Pinoe said from the other side of the door.

Jane slipped a shirt on and I opened the door to be greeted by Megan with her arms crossed. I smiled innocently at her and she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back of course. We pulled apart and she pulled me out into the Hall with Ash, Aspen, and Jane following. We walked to the end of the hall and Megan knocked on the door.

It opened and Allie was on the other side of it. She pulled me into a hug and spun me around just like Ash did. She led me into the room and I saw Christen and Kelley asleep cuddling together. I walked over to their bed while the others sat on Allie's.

I climbed on top of hem and started jumping. I looked over to the other bed and saw Allie and Megan recording me. Kelley and Christen groaned and slowly opened their eyes. Christen opened her eyes completely and I stopped jumping. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down on top of her and Kelley. Kelley let out a pound groan as I landed on her arm.

We talked for a little bit until Aspen got a text saying that he U-20 girls were on their way back to their hotel. I hugged the girls bye and Aspen walked me across the street and into the hotel. We went up to the 4th floor and Aspen handed me my hotel card.

"I'll stay in here with you until Brooke gets back. She'll be your roommate. Don't worry she's super nice and only sometimes annoying." Aspen said sitting on the bed that wasn't occupied by my bags.

I started unpacking my bags as Aspen informed on everyone on the team. She started with my roommate. She plays for Duke and is a really good goal keeper. Of course she can't be better than Ash or Jane. But she might be with the senior team soon.

I hear the door open and look towards it. I see a tall brunette enter in with a soccer bag and dressed in a training kit. She looks up and sees me.

"Hey. You must be Peyton. I'm Brooke. I'm your roommate as you can tell. I'm gonna shower real quick then we can talk more." She says heading into the bathroom.

The rest of the day should be very interesting.

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