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Hi everyone. Thank you so much for 10k reads. That's more than I thought I would  get. Love you all so much

Waking up with Jane's arms wrapped around me is the best way to wake up. Ever since that small incident last week when I needed Ash, Jane has not left my side. She's cute and holds me at night in a protective way.

I slowly turn my body so that I am now facing her. I lean over and kiss her forehead softly. I carefully slip out of her grip and head to the bathroom to do my morning routine before breakfast. I step our and see Jane still asleep. I wish we could sleep in but we can't. We have to be down at breakfast in a half hour.

I wake her up by calmly shaking her shoulder and giving her continuous kisses all over her face. She smiles and opens her beautiful blue eyes that I love so much. She leans up and connects our lips in a slow but amazing kiss. I pull away and bite my lip.

She gets up and gets ready to head down to breakfast. We walk down hand in hand like every morning but when we get close to the breakfast area we pull apart. We get our food and sit at different tables.

I sit with Ash, Megan, Allie Christen and Kelley. Ash puts her arm around and gives me a side hug, as I lean into her. Jane sits with Andi, Tierna, Rose and a few other younger players. The nutritionist walks around making sure everyone is eating the right foods.

Halfway through breakfast the doors open and Aspen walks in with sunglasses on, slightly messy hair, a baggy long sleeve and blue Nike joggers. "I'm never going back to England to babysit again!" She shouts and everyone at my table laughs. She looks around a bit. "Oh new kids. Welcome to Hell. I'm sure you've already met the ruler. Jill Hellis."

"Hey where's my grandson?" Megan asks.

"In England with his cousins. They drove me crazy. William owes me so much. Guys. Don't ever babysit spoiled princes and princesses. These kids don't listen. I don't know how Lizzy did it."

Aspen walks over to the food and gets a bowl with fruit. Jill stands up and walks over to her. "Can I have everyone's attention. Almost everyone here knows Aspen. For the new girls. She's our personal jester. And a professional pain in my ass"

Aspen puts her hand over her heart. "Thank you Jill really. I've never been complimented like that before..." she pauses to wipe a fake tear. "Oh wait... yeah I have. Later Jill. I'm kidnapping 5 of the girls today and there's nothing you can do about it. You're in my state." She finishes and walks over to my table.

We catch up with Aspen since this is the first time we've seen her since dinner last month. She had business meetings with people in London apparently. Then she had to babysit the Prince George and Princess Charlotte for a week so that their parents can go on vacation. My only questions to her from now on are going to be 'can I go travel with you?' 'Can you do this for me?' And 'how many people do you not know?'

"Alright so Peyton, Kelley, Pinoe, Chris, Allie, and Ash are you going to Peyton's old school with us today?" Aspen asks. Ash says a simple sure. "Hey Janice! Am I kidnapping you today?" Jane shouts yes. "Hey Jill? I'm kidnapping six players instead of five. Suck Ash's Dick if you have a problem!" Aspen says getting up and walking out.

Everyone kind of chuckles at her choice of words. Our table plus Jane heads up to our rooms since we have to get ready to leave. We're gonna surprise my old teammates by decorating the Captains lounge. Coach Anson is the one that's letting us steal the lounge for the day. She was also able to get permission slips from all the parents so they can go to San Diego and see the game live.

We reach Aspen's room and the door is open slightly. Aspen has her shirt off and is looking through her suitcase for what I'm assuming is a shirt. Now she has some great abs. Although I already knew that. Ash walk over and grabs a random and throws it at her.

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